5 Steps You Need to Know to Manifest Anything You Want

June 29th, 2019 | Comments Off on 5 Steps You Need to Know to Manifest Anything You Want
5 Steps You Need to Know to Manifest Anything You Want

I’ve recently been thinking how strange it is that we are never taught anything about the art of manifestation as part of the normal course of life.

It’s especially strange given the fact that we are designed to function as creators in the universe and in this world. You would think that learning how to create and manifest would be a priority, right?

I decided to create this week’s YouTube video on how to manifest anything. Here I share the 5 steps that you must follow in order to manifest whatever you want. This is how to succeed at creating what you desire in life, by aligning with the fundamental laws and principles of creation.

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Focus on This First Step to Manifest What You Want

June 28th, 2018 | Comments Off on Focus on This First Step to Manifest What You Want
Focus on This First Step to Manifest What You Want

In order to manifest anything in your life, especially when it comes to big changes, it is most important to be clear about your destination. It’s not enough to be vague and general, such as saying “I want more money” or “I want a better relationship”. You need to have a clear, specific vision that you can focus on with your mind, your heart, and your energy.

This vision exists as an image of a goal that you can hold firmly in your mind’s eye. The nature of that goal is all important, because it can make the difference between your success or failure in reaching it.

When you choose a vision or a goal for your life, make sure that it aligns with you as a unique individual. Make sure that it aligns with your heart and with what you personally value. Here’s why this is important:

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Don’t Skip this Step if You Want to Successfully Manifest!

June 14th, 2018 | 5 comments
Don’t Skip this Step if You Want to Successfully Manifest!

There is a certain, simple sequence of events that must take place in order to manifest anything in your physical reality. But sometimes we miss the most important step of all.

There are two parts to manifesting anything. The first part has to do with the inner work such as visualizing, choosing goals, journaling, etc.

The second part has to do with bringing your vision out into the physical world by creating physical evidence of its existence, and thereby bringing it into form.

In this video, I offer you a simple metaphor that you can use to see exactly where you are in your own personal process of manifestation.

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The 3 Keys to Manifestation

March 14th, 2017 | 7 comments
The 3 Keys to Manifestation

What is the one thing that everyone wants, above and beyond all else? We each want to be able to manifest the life that we truly want to live. That might involve big changes, or small changes. It doesn’t really matter. What matters is that we experience our power as creators to direct our consciousness into whatever manifestation we want to experience.

Why is it so difficult to manifest what we want on a conscious level? The truth is that we are manifesting all the time. But it is usually a random, unconscious affair over which we believe we have little or no control.

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