Are You A Lightworker?
What is the meaning of the word lightworker? This is an interesting word because many people view it as a noun or some kind of title. I view it as more of a verb. It denotes action, focus, and life purpose. As mere New Age terminology it is basically useless. But as a tool to aid your focus in this life it can serve as a tremendous asset. Why would your contemplation of this word be exceedingly valuable in today’s world? Let me explain.
In this life you can function as either a victim or a creator. There are nothing but disadvantages to functioning as a victim. All the advantages belong to those who function as creators. To function effectively as a creator it is important to align with certain universal principles, starting with love. Love is a light. That is why people literally light up when they feel love. They radiate. In order to understand the meaning of the word lightworker, you must first understand it as love. And secondly you must understand it as love in action.
A victim is one who feels unable to take action. A victim is a person who lives in fear. Many of the events in today’s world seem to push and encourage feelings of collective victimhood. Such events can promote feelings of being out of control or helpless. You can actively counter these feelings by assuming the mantle of a lightworker privately and in your own mind. In some cases that is a better way because it teaches you that this idea only has meaning when it is put into action. A lightworker is a person who puts love into action. It represents a person who actively loves.
The advantages to this are profound. Do you realize that when you actively love anyone that same love flows through you as well? There is only one love in this universe. That is the love of God or Omnipresence. It is from this that we derive our capacity to love. We were literally created this way. We were created by love in order to love. If you want to feel love, then love someone or something.
It’s not enough to just say you love something or someone in your own mind. In order to be real it has to manifest. It has to be seen or experienced by something or someone beyond yourself. Otherwise it remains an internalized experience that only you know about. We should not be containers of love. We should be fountains of love that radiate outward so that all can share in the brilliance.
How does using the word lightworker serve as an advantage to our ability to focus? The word lightworker also denotes positioning. It represents a decision toward a certain kind of action in this world. If we position ourselves as lightworkers we indicate that we have chosen to position ourselves with a certain type of focus. Our focus is to act from a basis of love and to see that love manifest in some sort of recognizable, experienced form. Our focus is for that love to extend beyond ourselves.
Inherent in the word lightworker is a sense of purpose or even life purpose. It affords us a way to live a purposeful life. Let’s examine this from the bigger picture. On planet Earth there is the appearance that evil, pain, and suffering are running amok. There is the appearance that such things routinely have the upper hand. If we believe that Earth is all there is in the universe, then this can be very discouraging indeed. But what if we remember that Earth is just a tiny situation in a much bigger Omniverse of life? What if the nature of that Omniverse is vastly different from our circumstances here? Suppose our situation here is exceedingly out of the ordinary?
Many people secretly believe that they are part of something much larger than themselves. This is not a secret. In fact, this is true. We are all a part of something way bigger than our tiny planet. To be a lightworker is to live in recognition of that fact. Consider the possibility that the real Omniverse, of which we are all a part, has love and the full manifestation of that love as its baseline reality. Consider the possibility that what we see happening on Earth is something of an exceedingly odd, highly unnatural occurrence.
Why is this paradigm shift important? Because it puts all the leverage on the side of love. If the larger Omniverse is a full manifestation of omnipresent love, when we align with and become that love we allow ourselves to become a part of that incredibly powerful leverage. If you place a light in a dark room, does the darkness have any leverage? Of course not. If we refuse to let our light emerge; if we keep our light contained because we are too influenced and too discouraged by the darkness, then we only contribute to the illusion that darkness has the upper hand.
To be a lightworker is to be one who has consciously chosen to live a purposeful existence in the context of planetary evolution. In this context, the goal is to restore ourselves and our world to a natural state where love and its full manifestation is all there is. It is to restore ourselves to a condition where we each know only the experience of love. The best way to know love is to be love. The best way to know love is to give love. Below is a short, very sweet video produced by The Prem Rawat Foundation that beautifully illustrates the concept of a lightworker when it comes to peace. I hope you enjoy it!
Join the conversation! Leave me a comment below and tell me your feelings about functioning as a lightworker. Do you see this as something that can improve the quality of your life and the lives of those around you? Share your thoughts with us!
This beautifully written statement, conceived in love, with the complementary video has inspired me to be moved by my love in everything that I do. I particularly like the part about aligning with the Omniverse as a context from which to view our reality so that we are empowered to act as expressions of the infinite light rather than identifying with the darkness that does not even “hold a candle’ to that light!
Love, Doug
I agree, light dispels the darkness. Mike
I agree, too, Doug. Aligning with the Omniverse of love can be very empowering because it provides us with a vastly different reference point than our tiny Earth alone. When our only reference point is Earth as we currently know it, things can seem hopeless indeed. But when we see Earth in a much larger perspective, then the seeming power of that darkness is dramatically diminished from within that greater whole.
An analogy would be if you only relied on a tiny candle flame to illuminate miles of darkness. You might feel tremendously discouraged. But what if you added the sun’s light to that candle flame? Aligning with the Omniverse of omnipresent love is akin to adding the sun’s light to a candle flame. It gives us hope and uplifts our thoughts to an entirely new paradigm. The darkness is no longer the insurmountable issue that it formerly was. The greatest way to experience that light is to shift the paradigm entirely.
Hello Saratoga,
As I read this profoundly beautiful message, I feel my entire being align with the radiance of love. There is no doubt that acting as a Lightworker is the most natural, truthful expression of me.
Yes, Lucille. There is nothing more natural to us than to exist as expressions of infinite love. It actually puts us in harmony with the entire cosmos! 🙂
Hi Saratoga, this is so beautiful, thank you! For years, I’ve thought what can I do to help but felt overwhelmed by the magnitude of how much pain and suffering I saw and so I would just resign myself to thoughts of helplessness. But this beautiful positioning and perspective opens up a whole new world of opportunity and light. I can see through eyes of love and my view has changed, not to mention that I feel alive and plentiful. I can be a contributor of love!, right here and now. Not some grandiose fantasy, far off in the future. For most of my life I’ve had a difficult relationship with a challenging family member, and even this weekend, I am required to assist her as she prepares for an unpleasant medical proceecdure. Embracing this position as a light worker allows me to bring peace, love, compassion into a place that is yearning for help. For the first time, I am looking forward to helping,! rather than dreading this with resentment. Being a Lightworker is so freeing and refreshing, thanks again!
Much love
Judi, thank you so much for this. Your post beautifully describes the transformational results that occur when one shifts their perspective. Isn’t it amazing how you describe the change in your view of this family member? In that change you make that divine love instantly accessible to anyone you touch, without judgement. You are perfectly describing what I meant about love in action.
I also love what you said about “some grandiose fantasy, far off in the future”. Isn’t this a trap that is so easy to fall into? How beautiful that you could put the idea of love into action with such immediacy, and also reap the instant transformational benefits as a result.
Fantastic! This is a beautiful answer to the question of “What can I do to make a difference and make this world a better place?”. We all have a feeling inside that there should be peace and love among all the people of the earth. That is what feels right and natural. Now is the time for all off us to bring this into being!
I have spent enough of my time being a victim. I am done with that. What a tremendous insight that there is nothing but disadvantage to be gained from this. This is so true!
I will live my life as a creator in each moment and with every breath of life. I will be a fountain of love and let the light within me shine outward into this world.
So be it!
Thank you for this wonderful gift of clarity!
Avalon, what an exciting thing you have written here! I am so happy to hear your beautiful statement. You know, when a person makes a statement such as this, I think it would be safe to say that all hearts are grateful. Each time a person makes such a statement in their life, it brings relief to everyone because it lifts the burden for all.
Thank you so much for this love filled, light filled, empowering post! I realize that I have been thinking of myself for years as an aspiring lightworker, something I can be when I acquire more skills and more knowledge to help people. I was using the noun instead of the verb. This realization is very freeing. I can start right now and live everyday, consciously, as a lightworker. I also think that consciously aligning with the Omniverse has given me a real boost in confidence in establishing my new business as a nutritionist and healer. I was thinking of myself as just one little person in a huge market, a kind of victim like thinking. Now, as I re-position myself in alignment with the love and healing power of the Omniverse, I feel a natural part of something huge and enormously powerful, and my healing practice to be a focused expression of that enormous energy. It feels totally natural!
Ann, you mention an important point about using the word lightworker as a noun. So many people do this and here is why it is not very effective. Energetically speaking, a noun is a stationary item and not something that conducts energy very well. Thus it can lead one to think in terms of measuring up in order to acquire the noun-like title, thus procrastinating until those conditions are seemingly met.
A verb, on the other hand, indicates energy in motion. It indicates flow. So when the word lightworker is seen as a verb, it makes it very easy for us to align with that action right now.
Thank you, Saratoga, I am now thinking “Lightworking” instead of “Lightworker” – it helps me to keep myself in the flow instead of static. Ann
Thank you for simplifying the word “lightworker” for me Saratoga! The term used to be so ominous for me and so out of reach! Something that I had to change so many things about me before I felt “worthy” to obtain the “title”! I now feel able to be a lightworker as I can and do love every day, and yes, I am capable of doing more with putting love in more of my actions. My husband, who considers himself, the furthest from a spiritual being, I see now is a powerful lighworker. He is always sharing a smile with those he meets and making them smile. He reminds me that everyone deserves a break and to be treated with kindness and that if I can bring them some warmth to their day, then I have shared some love with them and that too makes me a lightworker. Thank you for sharing the video as well. It is a very powerful reminder of our responsibility as lightworkers on this planet 🙂 – Susan McDonald
Susan, I love what you said about your husband! This is such a perfect example of what I’m talking about. And isn’t it funny how when we use the word lightworker as a noun or a title – how problematic it instantly becomes? Your use of the words “ominous” and “out of reach” are great descriptions of how that can make people feel. And that is such a shame because it’s so unnecessary. I’m so happy that you have experienced clarity about yourself and your husband. Thank you so much for sharing this!
I want to add an additional comment for everyone posting here. Thank you all so much for taking the time to share your experiences. I am certain that it is helpful and clarifying for anyone reading this, because you each make it possible to develop these ideas further by offering us some real-life examples. 🙂
This is such a beautiful and profound message Saratoga! I am struck at the simplicity of it all, really. I feel that I can stop worrying about finding my purpose and just be a fountain of love each and every moment! There could not be anything more wonderful or enjoyable, and I am sure this will also lead me forward into any clarity that I might need for my life…but it seems that in love nothing else really matters!
Another thing that occurred to me is that I had not thought about the fact that if we give love then we feel love ourselves! I know that is true now that you say it but that is a very beautiful and life changing realization!!!
Thank you so much!
What you said here is so interesting, Paddy. Once you enter that flow of love inside of your being and then allow that love to express outwardly, you have entered the path of a purposeful life. That love and its expression can then lead you to a unique expression of something more definitive, if that is what you are looking for. This is so much better than worrying about what it might be, and so much more natural and harmonious.
Thank you. This helps me have a perspective on how to look at what is going on here and how much research to do to stay aware. I live in Dallas where we have a reported ebola case, and it is very hard to know the truth as there are conflicting reports. I have not known how to have a balance with the the new thought material that we are moving into a higher dimension, for instance, and the trans humanism reports, for example, with the evolution of technology. Some people say, ‘don’t listen to the news. Just stay focused on what you want to create’. I could never totally resonate with that because I always thought that if my canoe was about to go over a waterfall a few yards down the river I should know about it. I got to a point where I really was wondering whether there was a force stronger that the manipulation that is going on. Thank you. This perspective is so valuable and needed.
You are so welcome, Mariah. So many people struggle with exactly what you are talking about. I agree with you that one must find a balance when it comes to news reports. One of the things that I like to do is to take a step back regarding the news and view it through the framework of “This is what people are being told” rather than view it from “This is definitely the truth”. That sort of neutralizes the charge on the whole thing, and makes it easier to think for yourself.
It’s interesting that you bring up the subject of transhumanism, because one of the chapters in our new book “A Guide for Lightworkers by Archangel Michael” is entitled “Transhumanism”. I’m sure you will find that very interesting! (I’m hoping the book will be released in early December)
One more note; I have just written another blog post that I will publish soon, that will probably help even more with some of the things you brought up. It’s entitled “What To Do When the World Seems Unstable”.
Hi Saratoga,
This is such a beautiful message. I read it a few days ago, and just felt that I needed to contemplate it before I could respond in your blog. Your words have touched me in such a deep place that I can’t really express it all. I really wish I was a poet, and could write as beautifully as Doug or Judi. I just hope that many, many people read this beautiful message. I love the analogy of being a fountain, not a container. I have sent this beautiful message to about 20 of my friends. I am guessing that they too are contemplating your beautiful words. Thank you
Thank you so much for sharing this with your friends, Kathleen. I’m so happy that this is helpful. 🙂