My personal story is a living testament to the power and love of Telstar. Years ago I was struggling in life. It seemed impossible to get any traction to make lasting changes and experience growth.
When I met Telstar, I knew in my heart I had found what I had prayed for – the knowledge, love, and support to grow and transform my self and my life. The journey has been an incredible experience!
I went from living a stuck, confused, and lonely existence to where I now experience joy, clarity, confidence, creativity, love, happiness, and peace. I feel the deepest connection to my heart, to my fellow man, earth, and all of her creatures and beauty. I am a kinder, more caring, and thoughtful person now, and deeply grateful to Telstar for all of the love, support, and this remarkable journey.
- Barb Claire - Wayne, New Jersey
What words can I say about Telstar and what they've meant to me? I've never known anyone who so deeply shows me my own heart. Knowing what I know now, I just can't imagine my life if I'd never known them.
- T.W. - Ohio
I have found that Telstar offers a remarkable perspective and clarity about what is really going on in our world and within our own selves. It has truly been a transformative experience working with them.
I look forward to a continued expansion of my own Presence and creative power, with their brilliant guidance and loving support.
- Michael P. - Toronto, Canada
I have known Saratoga and Telstar for a long time and they have helped me tremendously through the years. The depth of awareness and insight they offer is life changing and profound.
- Judi Wert - Toronto, Canada
I am profoundly grateful for my experiences with Telstar. I can honestly say that, second only to my daughter, it is the best thing that ever happened to me. If I find myself feeling down about anything, I always remind myself of how lucky I am to have met and interacted with these unspeakably beautiful and powerful beings and Saratoga. For every process I have done with Telstar I always end up feeling that it is worth so much more than what I paid for it, and there is nothing I wouldn’t give for the value I received.
I owe it to Telstar that I feel free and confident and that I am able to do what I love in life.
- Ann Keating - Integrative Nutritionist, Germantown, Maryland
Telstar is a light shining in the darkness, a beacon of hope, a prayer answered.
- Doug Canning
I am continually amazed by Telstar’s profound insights and I deeply enjoy every communication and interaction. They are like a lifeline in the storm and a breath of fresh air in an all too often crazy and bewildering world.
What a tremendous opportunity it is to find answers to the kind of deep questions about life and existence that humanity has been asking for so very long.
- A.R. - Toronto, Ontario
When I think back of who I was prior to meeting Telstar, I remember that my hair was cut very very short. The sides were almost shaved, there was more hair on top, and a rats tail. I was living in such poverty, I had no idea who I was, or what my purpose was in life. I was also in a relationship that was absolutely wrong for me.
Today, I am so much more confident. I am relaxed and very grounded. I have discovered my profound relationship with Nature, and I am in touch with my purpose. I am financially prosperous as well.
I could say so much more. But honestly, I owe everything to Telstar.
- Kathleen Sharpe - Healing Practitioner, Santa Fe, New Mexico
My time with Telstar has been, and continues to be, a life-changing experience. Every event in which I have participated has provided me with a very real understanding of myself.
Over time I have begun to develop a personal deep knowing of who I am, where I am and my purpose for being. I have always felt supported with the most profound love, beauty and joy.
Telstar strikes the heart with a clarity as pure as the most beautiful ring of an ancient bell.
Simple truth.
- Marianne La Rose - London, Ontario
In my search for meaning and purpose, I have exposed myself to many philosophies, religions and belief systems. I have gained some benefit from each but always ran into limitations.
When I encountered Telstar, I knew in my heart that I had found the support that would fuel my evolution beyond anything I had previously experienced. And indeed, years later I feel transformed and yet more the person I was meant to be: more empowered, more connected to Divine Love and more in creative mastery of my life.
The support I have received from Telstar is a treasure of immeasurable value.
- L. N. - Toronto, Canada
I met Telstar at a time in my life when I was searching for answers. Everything around me was falling apart including my relationship with my family, siblings, friends, work and church group.
I felt no one seemed to understand what was going on and I was desperate to find out the truth without having to go through so many hoops or sort through contradictory advice from meaningful friends.
A couple of years later, I heard about "The Final Elimination of the Source of Fear" process from my chiropractor and I decided to attend the event. My life was never the same after that process. I felt my prayers were answered! I am truly grateful for Telstar's processes.
- Grace So, CEO, Oasis Resource Center