Words of appreciation from my amazing community around the world…
“Thank you Saratoga for your unparalleled wisdom”
Thank you Saratoga, I need your wisdom. I appreciate you. With you on my side I feel that I have a friend that cares about me and you pick me up back to where I should be, happy-go-lucky and not alone.
~ Catarina

Feeling so much peace and comfort each time, after I watch/listen to your videos. So much love to you Saratoga. I’m glad I found your page 2 years ago. You’ve truly helped guide me into restoring my senses and personal direction of energy back. I appreciate your presence, and the time you take to record and post videos. I definitely miss you on your weeks off !
“Epic content”

Dear Saratoga, you ALWAYS deliver the message with such kindness, patience and compassion and you make it accessible to everyone, using analogies and words that we can all understand. Thank you for all you do!
~ Flo

“I love your informative videos to pieces. I look forward to each and every one.”
Saratoga, you are just too Cool! I enjoy your simplicity, your sincerity, your clarity, your empathy, and most of all, your sarcastic humour. Of all the light workers I have come across in my current journey, you are the most down to earth, and human! A big thank you for sharing your knowledge, wisdom, love, and your wonderful Energy.
~ Jack
I always feel I can see everything more clearly with each one of your videos Saratoga!
~ Lucille

Thank you so much for your work… I am glad you are here to guide us through the next adventures on our beautiful Earth.
~ Judy
“What a beautiful gift are you to this world. Thank you for all that you do!”

Beautiful Saratoga, I love your passion for the truth and your clarity and the ability to express it is off the charts.
~ T.B.N.

Thank you so much Saratoga! The information and all of your knowledge is priceless! You are amazing and you explain everything so beautifully and what we need to be aware of but also explain it in an empowering way…Thank you for all that you do so so well. Sending so much love to you, all here and out into the world!
~ P.
Thank you for all the incredibly helpful content you share for free. I’ve been following you for several years now and you’re my guiding light to check in with myself and ensure I’m staying authentic. You’re an absolute blessing!
~ Veronica

What an absolute blessing you are. Thank you so very much for being who you are and for your generosity of time and teaching. You are an excellent teacher full of knowledge, compassion and patience.
~ Deborah
“I’ve come back to you time & time again for perspective, hope, and comfort.”
I can’t tell you how much you help me…
I love the way you think and share.
I have learned so much from you that has helped me to stabilize my life and enjoy my life more.
You’re a dear to my heart and I thank you from my heart.
~ B.B.F

I’m not sure how you just popped into my YT feed, but omg I am so glad you did! I have had SOOO many AHA- DUHHH moments from what you’ve shared…Thank You so much. Please keep sharing- you are a blessing!! Love to you❤
“Getting a notification that you have a new video out completely makes my day.”

I’ve not heard truth about our present situation spoken so succinctly and clearly. This is exactly what is going on. No words for how accurate and pertinent this message is, absolutely stupendous.
~ David

“You are an inspiration to those of us on the path of evolution.”
Your videos are always a breath of renewal, hope, and fresh air In a world that has obviously gone quite mad! Thank you so much for your deep dives into cosmic thought, energy, consciousness and light. You nourish our souls. I thank you.
~ Ali
Always wonderful…uplifting…informative and i often get a real belly giggle.
You have a unique gift of informing without the fear…only solutions.
~ Teri

Your words resonated profoundly & summarized my own beliefs after 10+ years study of religion, science and history.
Thank you for your selfless & courageous investment of time/energy & commitment to awakening of humanity.
Just know you have made a SIGNIFICANT difference in at least one person’s life (mine)!
~ S.
“I have gained new strength and new vitality through your words!”

I don’t know [how] I found you, but you are exactly what I need. Thank you so much for your clarity. I no longer feel alone and like a weirdo in our culture.
~ GiGi

Beloved Saratoga, you are doing divine galactic, cosmic work!! Your tone & voice is very soothing and bringing forth consciousness in a way that more people can receive. You are a universal teacher, an awakener, serving the rise in the collective cosmic awareness; in other words you are truly doing the ascension teachings in real time education & remembrance of who we truly are. This being here loves you very much for your contribution & service to humanities ascension (well being)! Thank you!!
~ F.V.
This woman speaks TRUTH.
In a world which lacks TRUTH, I acknowledge, respect and am so very grateful for your selfless contribution, Ms. Saratoga Ocean. 🙂
~ Kimberly

You are top notch and when I found your channel, I KNEW you were right for me…you are another gift from The One to me and I’m so thankful and happy to get to know your wisdom. Everything you say resonates with me and now I’m happy to know there’s someone else who thinks and sees things they way I do. Thank you so very much for sharing your insights.
~ Davie
I love my community! ❤️
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