Live life as an Empowered Creator

Hi, I’m Saratoga Ocean. I’m here to help you ignite your personal and spiritual growth, and discover your inner power and wisdom to create the life you really want.

Hi, I’m Saratoga Ocean. I’m here to help you ignite your personal and spiritual growth, and discover your inner power and wisdom to create the life you really want.

Saratoga Ocean

Meet Saratoga

Saratoga Ocean is an author, speaker, channel, and transformational life coach. She has been guiding people to experience profound spiritual awakenings, live their life’s purpose, and create the beautiful life of their dreams by using the law of attraction for over 25 years.


Ongoing support for your spiritual awakening

Online Courses
by Saratoga Ocean

Let me help you make your reality match your dreams

Master the art of manifestation, learn to set powerful & motivating goals, or start living each day with more harmony & happiness. What do YOU most want in life? Accelerate your journey today with one of my in-depth, self-paced online courses.

Explore Courses

by Saratoga Ocean

The Final Elimination of the Source of Fear

The Final Elimination of the Source of Fear

by Saratoga and Telstar

The Final Elimination of the Source of Fear® represents a powerful vision of evolution for our planet and ourselves. Our finite universe is structured under a simple matrix or principle of duality that is the source of all fear, pain, and suffering. This matrix is the literal, scientific reason that we experience fear and hardship in our lives.

Reading this book takes you through a process that is simple, yet powerful in its effects. You will understand the precise reason for the existence of fear, and thus be able to experience a release from its incessant grip in your life, once you are awakened to its underlying cause.

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How to Use the Law of Attraction to Create Your Perfect Life

How to Use the Law of Attraction to Create Your Perfect Life

by Saratoga Ocean

For so many of us, making meaningful, lasting changes in our lives can be really difficult. Even things that seem like they should be simple to change and produce a better quality of life, like a routine or habit, can feel stuck and immovable. And having what we really want in life sometimes feels like a challenge far beyond our means.

There’s a better way to live. We can experience the exhilaration and joy, the relief, and the deep fulfillment of living out our most cherished dreams. By understanding and applying the Law of Attraction, correctly and consistently, we can each manifest our vision of the life we desire, with more ease and inspiration than we ever thought possible.

In my brand new e-book, How to Use the Law of Attraction to Create Your Perfect Life, I teach you how to apply this fundamental law to stop struggling over little improvements and make every day a rewarding journey towards happiness and satisfaction.

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A Guide for Lightworkers by Archangel Michael

A Guide for Lightworkers by Archangel Michael

written and channeled by Saratoga Ocean

Have you ever wondered why things on this planet appear to be so stuck in terms of the violence and suffering that is present here? There is the age-old question of “If God is Love, then why is there suffering?” This question relates not only to the planet as a whole, but also to each one of us in our individual lives.

In A Guide for Lightworkers, Saratoga and Archangel Michael take you on a journey of profound transformation, whereby you will be able to go beneath the surface picture of life and see the deeper answer to this question for yourself.

You will feel a deep paradigm shift occurring as you read, and will come away amazed at the immense resource of love and truth that exists within your heart right now. In this amazing journey, Archangel Michael takes you by the hand and shows you the truth behind the veil, and how that veil got there in the first place.

from Balboa Press, a division of Hay House

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Blog Posts by Saratoga

How to Live a Purposeful Life

How to Live a Purposeful Life

There are two ways to live life. One way is to live your life unconsciously, captured by your routines and patterns. The other way is to evolve and become more empowered by living a purposeful existence. Living a purposeful life gives you a way out whenever you feel stuck or...
3 Simple Ways to Meditate

3 Simple Ways to Meditate

One of the most important things we can do for ourselves is daily meditation. Meditation is when we set aside sacred time to fill our hearts and feed our souls. It’s also the best way to get centered with a clear mind before we start our day. But before we...
How to Tune into Angelic Protection

How to Tune into Angelic Protection

Due to recent events occurring in the world, there appears to be a great deal of fear and anxiety related to safety concerns these days. So I want to share with you some ways that you can ease those feelings by tuning into the peaceful angelic protection that is always...
There are two ways to live life. One way is to live your life unconsciously, captured by your routines and patterns. The other way is to evolve and become more empowered by living a purposeful existence. Living a purposeful life gives you a way out whenever you feel stuck or...
One of the most important things we can do for ourselves is daily meditation. Meditation is when we set aside sacred time to fill our hearts and feed our souls. It’s also the best way to get centered with a clear mind before we start our day. But before we...
Due to recent events occurring in the world, there appears to be a great deal of fear and anxiety related to safety concerns these days. So I want to share with you some ways that you can ease those feelings by tuning into the peaceful angelic protection that is always...
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