Be the Sunshine!
All too often, we tend to approach our personal evolution as though it is only about our seemingly separate selves. But what if our individual evolution affects the entire planet? You already know that when people suffer, it contributes the energy of that suffering to the planetary whole. So if we each make the effort to evolve towards peace and happiness in our individual lives, then clearly that contributes a positive, uplifting energy into the same planetary whole.
Why not think of our world as holding an ecological balance of consciousness and energy? This would certainly suggest that collectively we are vastly out of balance, since the consciousness and energy of pain and suffering far outweighs that of harmony and peace. Do you realize that we can each become a significant player in Earth’s evolution by contributing a joyful, happy energy into this out-of-balance larger whole? The only way to do this authentically is to strive to improve our individual lives to become lives that bring us joy.
Let’s use a simple image to illustrate this point. Imagine that the color grey represents the energy of pain, suffering, and human depression. Now imagine that the color yellow represents happiness. If we could draw a global map of Earth’s atmosphere of human consciousness using these two colors, what would that map look like? What would be the predominant color? Well, grey, of course.
If you have an unhappy life, which of these two colors do you contribute to the planetary whole? You contribute even more grey, therefore adding to the atmosphere of suffering. If you choose to evolve your life into one where you experience more peace and happiness, what color do you therefore contribute? Yellow! Yellow is like the sunshine on a grey, cloudy day. It uplifts and energizes. It cheers people up and makes them feel better. What if the energy of your life did the same thing for the collective whole?
To evolve your life into one of peace and happiness takes effort. It is not always easy to be motivated in that direction. But what if you knew that your effort made a difference to the greater whole? When you bring your own life into balance it allows you to literally breath more joy into the world, which delicately raises the energy for everyone else. Tie your individual evolution into that of the planet, and allow everything that you do, say, think, and feel to make a positive difference. Everybody wins, including you. There is simply no downside to you being happy. This is a beautiful way to be inspired to improve your own life, and thus improve the consciousness in the world at large.
Leave me a comment below and tell me one simple thing that you could do right now, that would move your life towards greater joy and fulfillment. What single small (or big) step could you take in the direction of happiness?
Acknowledge that I am not alone and isolated, by connecting with all of life and love. Go outside and smell the flowers, feel the gentle breeze upon my skin, delight in the warmth of the sun and breathe in the fresh air. Put on some music and dance,!
This is a great, uplifting idea, Judi. So simple and doable.
Congratulations Saratoga on your first blog post. After someone called me this morning to explain why she was unable to communicate with me as was expected, I felt somewhat demolished because I had conjured up all kinds of misconceptions why she did not respond to me which were to the contrary. Going forward, I will be strive to stop forming judgement about people and things, especially when things do not suit my design. Instead, I will practice sending out thoughts of kindness and support when the temptation arises to feel disappointed or otherwise on the grey-side-of-things, for they may just be having a difficult time and could well be helped and strengthened by my benevolent thoughts.
What a wonderful idea! This is so kind, and a beautiful way to contribute healing energy to those who may need it. Thank you!
Your Yellow/Grey scenario inspired me. I envisioned filling my world with yellow light and the song “I’m Walking on Sunshine” came to mind 🙂 Thanks for the pick me up! I needed that!
The one step that I could take would be to spend more time with my dog at the park being more aware of the gift that nature brings us even if its in a little park. It makes me happy to enjoy the summer weather and I have not been doing that as much as I could be.
– Susan McDonald
I love this, Susan. It is always a great thing to pay attention to what we can appreciate that is so close to us.
What a wonderful post! Congratulations, Saratoga! I really appreciate your inspiring message. The one thing I would do for greater joy and fulfillment is Dance! I love dancing in nature under the sun in my bare feet, feeling the warmth of the sun and the heartbeat of the earth … it uplifts my spirit and I feel great too!
This is a great way to bring joy into your whole body, mind, and emotions, Grace. Then that energy of happiness emanates outward!
What a wonderful surprise! I really love the idea of leaving a comment – it gives us the opportunity to take what we just read and immediately take a step towards taking action. What I could do would be to get out and get more physically active on a regular basis, like riding my bike, going skating or going hiking in beautiful nature. I know this would make me happy – it has been very uplifting for me before, bringing a deep sense of inner joy and satisfaction. It’s time to get back to this!
Avalon, this is so true about clarifying an immediate action step. Thank you for sharing this with us!
You guys are all very successfully proving the point about the wonderful energy of happiness. It is so inspiring and uplifting to read all of your wonderful comments. It’s like an instant good mood for everyone. Thank you!
Wow.. happiness what a concept, in a world that has so much pain. I LOVE IT. I am sure that happiness and love carry much more weight than pain and suffering. People really need this. I am sure this will spread like wildfire. ( a good one of course)
That’s a great idea, Kathleen! I guess that spreading could start with each of us 🙂
Congratulations to Saratoga and our beautiful Telstar friends for this blog to share loving playful energies and ideas together. I just now returned from two hours of delightful practice of simple techniques to release fear energies that do not serve love. It’s so much better than practicing by myself — we were both so HIGH with dolphin joy resulting from our process of consciously shifting energies. I am truly grateful for my new buddy and we feel strongly committed to continue this “experiment” of practice to open our fields to more love which will surely benefit others in a magical ripple effect.
This is beautiful, Caroline! Are you working with dolphins? They exude such an amazing presence and energy!
Yes, indeed, I am so blessed to live on Maui and to have had many gorgeous experiences with dolphins and whales, both in physical and etheric realms. I believe they both are high vibrational multi-dimensional beings that hold the space of love for our planet, offsetting much of the negativity of humanity. They are asking our help now, their task is becoming greater and they need more Lightworkers to amplify LOVE at this time. Since many Lightworkers have mastered their thoughts at the conscious level, it is time to give greater focus to eradicate the unconscious programs, beliefs, mass consciousness thoughts, etc (in this and other lifetimes) that outpicture in our lives. This is the area I was mentioning in my first message, I am practicing techniques that will resolve and eradicate permanently at the UNCONSCIOUS level, with the help of my dolphin guide. Truly excited about this experiment, for my friend and me are now ready to shift at this deep core level, aka Final Elimination of the Source of Fear, a BRILLIANT book that is my Bible for Sanity! I was waiting for a buddy to play this game at a new level and it will be fascinating to see how this evolves…
A Bible for Sanity – I love this! Yes, Maui is beautiful and I am so happy to learn of your connection with dolphins and whales. I sometimes think of them as the sages of the sea. Thank you for your presence in this magical arena of life.
This is a huge step forward in communicating our “collective” consciousness. It’s how everyone communicates now, and the message Telstar is sharing is of paramount importance to the evolution of our life here. Very excited to be part of this great work! I am beginning to understand what light worker means. All of the Newsletters–sharing our happiness and staying conscious–is transcendent and I am working on that everyday. I have deep respect for you, Saratoga… and so much love! Thank you for this opening….
Leigh, I am so happy that you are working on consciousness and happiness. Yes, I think the word “lightworker” is an action word. (Much more on that in our new, upcoming book!) Thank you for your lovely thoughts.
A blog, what a great idea! It gives us all a chance to participate more. Thanks! For me, I could be more self accepting and forgiving and release tired old thought habits that don’t serve me and focus on the beauty of life and how absolutely lovely this planet is and how absolutely incredible we humans are in truth. That and stop working so hard. Sheesh!
What a great point about working too hard, Tony. It’s important to create some space each day, even just a little bit, to get centered and refocus. If you take 10 or 15 minutes a day to consciously step off the treadmill of routine, you can relax and take in the beauty that you described.
About 40 years ago I read a book called “Your Greatest Power”. It made the case that our greatest power was our ability to choose. Then a few years after that I heard a quote by Abraham Lincoln that I think about almost everyday. It was, “Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds (choose) to be”. Then about 24 years ago and several times since I read a book called “Global Vision” by Telstar and Saratoga which helped me to understand just how much one person can truly change the world. Now my journey consists mainly of deliberately choosing my internal states and watching my world transform before my eyes everyday. So glad to be back in touch with Saratoga, Mikhail and Telstar who have had such a profound impact on my life. I am excited to see where this next leg of our journey takes us.
It’s so nice to have you here, Michael. The power to choose is the foundation for everything, isn’t it? I think the best way to exercise that power effectively is to have clarity about one’s available choices. So much of what we, as Telstar, do is to articulate choices in evolution that people may not realize they have. Thank you for bringing up such a wonderful topic! By the way, I love that quote by Lincoln. So true!
Eternal thanks Saratoga, for this profound and beautifully simple message.
I read it today after speaking to two acquaintances who have been diagnosed with very serious illnesses. I chose not to go into suffering over their news but to envision them healthy, vibrant and filled with joy, which is what they truly desire. The feeling of love and peace that came from this is such a gift.
I also decided that at the end of the day, as I walk my dogs, I would turn off the list-making and distracted thinking of my brain and, instead, really feel the energy of the plants, take in the sky and the air and allow myself to experience my connection with Nature. It feels like I am embraced and complete when I do this.
Much Love,
Lucille, this is a wonderful thing to do for the people you spoke of. We can all learn from this idea. Imagine how much better it is for people who could be in a state of tremendous anxiety over such news. What could be better for them than an optimistic view on your part? To do this sincerely takes effort, because we are not talking about simply being in denial. To serve them in this way, you actually have to confront the negativity surrounding them and imbue the atmosphere with hope and optimism. How could they not appreciate that?
I’m happy to hear about you shifting your consciousness when you walk your dogs. Another idea that will produce a lovely benefit for you!
This is so beautiful Saratoga!
I will be more accepting, seeing others as the light that they truly are – shining suns all…
Love, Doug
Doug, this is a simple, yet very powerful idea. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing it 🙂
I love the blog and the visuals – the swan picture is so gorgeous! I am feeling uplifted just reading everyone’s comments and feeling a sense of connection. I think the next step for me is to deepen and expand my connections with people. I am thinking of just adding some new fun activities into my life this fall, just for pleasure and adventure and meeting more people. I might take sailing lessons or something else that is active and outdoors. I also have to say I loved Michael’s post about choice. It is something I am aware of in the background, and have been trying to put to use with clients, but it is so clear and inspiring the way he presented it, Thank you Saratoga for providing this blog and a way for us to interact with each other and join our energies.
You are very welcome, Ann. Thank you to you and everyone else leaving these comments, because I do agree that it is wonderfully uplifting for all of us! It’s a beautiful contribution to make that simple effort to share.