Be a Lightworker!

February 12th, 2017 | 10 comments
Be a Lightworker!

The world needs Light and stability right now. We can sit back and wait for this to happen all by itself, or we can play a conscious role in contributing positive energy into our collective situation.

It’s a common human habit to always assume that someone else (even God) will ultimately take care of things. But this denies the very real fact that we human beings have a specific purpose in this Universe. We are creators, sourced in Love, whose purpose it is to create out of that very same love.

We are currently witnessing a grave downward spiral in our world, where division, hate, and fear are being fomented on a near 24 hour basis. At first glance, it can appear that the wisest thing to do is to pick a side and then battle it out to see who “wins”. But, of course, no one wins in this scenario. A toxic climate such as this benefits no one.

It is time for Lightworkers to come out of the closet, and accept the power of who we really are to effect positive change and transformation.

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The Lightworker’s Path

February 21st, 2016 | 28 comments
The Lightworker’s Path

The terms lightworker and life purpose are intimately woven together. Understanding the meaning of the word lightworker can help you to unlock the secrets of your life’s purpose. It can also bring great advantages in living the most fulfilling life that you can.

In its simplest form, you could say that a lightworker is a person who works for the light, or whose intention it is to bring more light and love into the world. At its highest level, it refers to a person who is divinely inspired by God to devote his or her life to making the world a better place.

Many people function as lightworkers, and don’t even know it. To help you better understand this, we can identify three primary levels at which lightworkers function. Understanding these 3 levels can help you a great deal in identifying your life’s purpose. It will also empower your experience, if you already know what your purpose is.

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The World Needs Your Light

June 21st, 2015 | 21 comments
The World Needs Your Light

If you pay attention to the news, you can see that the world is virtually in flames with suffering. This includes human beings along with plants and animals. In fact, did you know that along with our own human troubles, we are at the beginning of the sixth mass extinction event on planet Earth? (The last one was the dinosaurs.)

Perhaps positive thinking dictates that we don’t ponder such obvious atrocities. Yet those of us on this planet who are better off than most have a moral obligation to do so.

The majority of people on this planet may be experiencing too much suffering to have the luxury of contemplating human and planetary evolution. But there are a great many of us who can certainly afford to do so.

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Are You A Lightworker?

October 3rd, 2014 | 21 comments
Are You A Lightworker?

What is the meaning of the word lightworker? This is an interesting word because many people view it as a noun or some kind of title. We view it as more of a verb. It denotes action, focus, and life purpose. As mere New Age terminology it is basically useless. But as a tool to aid your focus in this life it can serve as a tremendous asset. Why would your contemplation of this word be exceedingly valuable in today’s world? Let me explain.

In this life you can function as either a victim or a creator. There are nothing but disadvantages to functioning as a victim. All the advantages belong to those who function as creators. To function effectively as a creator it is important to align with certain universal principles, starting with love. Love is a light. That is why people literally light up when they feel love. They radiate. In order to understand the meaning of the word lightworker, you must first understand it as love. And secondly you must understand it as love in action

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