The Fastest Way to Eliminate Problems
How many times have you tried to solve a problem in your life and ended up feeling completely discouraged and frustrated? There is a reason for being unsuccessful at solving problems, and I will explain to you what that is. I am also going to share with you a much better method that will actually work!
The first thing you should know is that approaching a problem as something to be solved doesn’t work. What this does is cause you to focus on the problem. Whatever you focus on gets amplified.
Solving a problem is actually not your real goal. Your real goal is to experience what you want. A problem is something that stands in the way of that. If you focus on what stands in your way, you may lose sight of your original intent. In this case, the problem becomes a major distraction.
The Worst Way to Handle a Problem
Let’s imagine that you are driving along a road to a desired destination. You have planned this trip for awhile and are really looking forward to getting there!
All of a sudden, you notice a giant boulder completely blocking the road. You stop your car and get out to examine the boulder. The more you examine it, the more questions you have.
How did it get here? What’s it made of? Why did God put this in my path? Does this mean something about me? Is it a sign? How do I get rid of it? Next, you examine the rock more closely and decide to look it up online to see if you can learn more about it.
You call your friend and start complaining about the rock. Your friend says it reminds him or her of some of their own issues, and you begin to commiserate together.
By now you are getting really stressed as you focus more and more energy on the rock. You can’t figure out what to do about this giant obstruction! The idea of your original destination grows dimmer and dimmer, as the issue of the rock grows bigger and bigger.
Now all of your energy is focused on how to “solve” the problem of the rock. The rock has become the central figure in your existence. If you focus on it long enough, it will soon have to be incorporated into the rest of your life. You will begin to see it as a part of your life. This is how a problem becomes entrenched in your consciousness. This is also what makes people give up on their original intent.
There is a Much Better Approach!
The best way to handle life overall is to be clear about what you want. Being clear can be as simple as saying “I want to be happy.” It can also be as complex as having a desire to make a major change in your life, or complete a major project.
It doesn’t matter what it is, it just matters that you know you want it. This is important because it tells you what to focus on. It gives you a compass in this crazy, unpredictable world that we live in.
The moment you become clear about what you want, you can start on your path to get there. Or maybe what you want is something that you already have, like good health. In this case, your destination might be to maintain that state of good health.
Whatever the case, you will inevitably encounter a problem somewhere along the way. That’s just the nature of our situation on this Earth.
When that problem shows up, your first priority should be to remember your destination, your want, and your original desire. You should keep that focus regardless of the problem.
Why is this important? Because it will lead to a much faster understanding of how to eliminate the problem. You will also not be adding unnecessary energy and focus to the problem, thus causing it to appear bigger than it really is.
A Simple Way to Eliminate Problems and Get Back in Control of Your Life
Here is an easy system you can follow in order to deal with problems quickly and effectively. This will help you to keep your precious energy focused on what you want, instead of draining it away hand-wringing about problems.
1. – Get a piece of paper and make 3 columns. Title each column as follows:
- Column 1 – My Problem Is
- Column 2 – Stands in the Way of
- Column 3 – What I can do to eliminate this problem
2. – Now in the first column, name a particular problem. In the second column, name the thing you desire that this problem stands in the way of.
For example, in the first column you might write “I’m overweight.” In the second column, you might write “I want to feel light on my feet and buy the clothes that I love.”
3. – Pause for a moment and observe the two things that you wrote down. It is extremely likely that you will know exactly what you can write in the third column as a solution.
A solution is defined as things you can do to eliminate this problem.
In the case of our example, you might write “Hire a fitness trainer.” or “Go online and learn about weight loss.” or “Find a healthy way to eat what I enjoy.” Depending on the nature of the problem, you will either write one thing or maybe a few main points. For now, don’t go into too much detail.
4. – You can do this exercise for more than one problem. When you are finished, you will likely feel that a huge weight has been lifted off you because now you have taken control of the problem, rather than letting the problem control you. You know exactly what you can do to eliminate the problem. You don’t have to hand-wring anymore.
Click here to download a FREE copy of this chart with instructions, plus bonus info on what to do if your problem involves a situation that you can’t get out of.
Why Is This So Effective?
This simple system works because it puts you back in harmony with your desired experience in life. Once you have identified what to do to eliminate the problem, you no longer have to focus on the problem. You are back on the road to creating the life that you want. In fact, all of the actions that you set forth to eliminate the problem contribute directly to that creation. You are no longer draining valuable energy on the problem itself. All of your focus and energy have shifted back to the positive outcome of your original desire.
A Final Thing to Consider
Once you complete this simple exercise, you can let go of stressing out about the problem. You are back in control, because you know what you need to do. You don’t have to work on all of the problems on your list at once. Just stand back and decide what you are willing to do at this point. Even if you are not ready to address all of it right now, you can keep this chart knowing that the solutions are right at hand whenever you are ready. There is no longer any reason to dwell on the problems themselves. Either take action right now to eliminate them, or wait until you are ready. Either way, you are in control and know exactly where you stand.
Leave me a comment below and let me know what challenges you have faced in trying to solve problems. Tell me if you like this idea of a problem elimination chart!
Hi Saratoga,
I really like this approach. Problems do arise, and having a “tool” such as this chart that you’ve created is fabulous. It immediately gives the problem a fast perspective, so instead of feeling overwhelmed with something I can channel it right into the chart, do a quick analysis (since I’m not generally analytical–this helps enormously) and then I feel empowered instead of allowing the problem to bowl me over, The image of the huge boulder in the middle of the road was graphic in its depiction of how problems often take over. So I can just deal with it simply in this way, knowing that I’m in control of everything in my life. I love the three columns. Very clean and clear. Thank you so much for constantly supporting my (and everyone’s) evolution with your incredible insight, wisdom and practicality! I really relate to the practical part because it’s a strong part of how I deal with many issues and I resonate with things that bring this out of me. When I’m practical it cuts down on the drama queen aspect so I can choose not to react, or over-react 🙂 I’ve also come to realize that writing things down is a great way to adopt an objective approach to everything–including all the things I want to manifest. Writing is a great way to enhance perspective and become proactive instead of feeling victimized. Thank you for this excellent support in eliminating problems quickly and effectively, and helping me stay empowered.
With love and blessings!
Leigh, thank you for this beautiful description! What you describe here is very much what I intended when I created this simple system.
We expend so much energy thinking about problems, and feeling confused and overwhelmed. This takes our energy away from what we really want to create in our lives.
The neat thing about this method is that it resolves the issue of what to do almost immediately, even if you don’t act on it right away. This way you can let the problem rest and you don’t have to waste energy dwelling on it.
I also agree with you about the issue of practicality. Spirituality without practicality does little to change our lives. It’s so important to have a balance between the two.
I especially like what you pointed out about the “drama” side of problems. Once you have these 3 columns filled out, there’s not a lot of reason for reactive drama. That kind of reactiveness usually occurs out of fear and helplessness. By using this system, you eliminate both of these.
Thanks so much for your feedback. Blessings and love! 🙂
Saratoga, I love what you say here about “letting the problem rest”. I hadn’t thought of that but it sure takes the weight off by using the system you’ve created. It’s like there’s somewhere to put the problem–literally! Even if it’s only for a while until I can figure out you how to tackle it. What a gift this is as it allows me to create some needed distance instead of just dwelling on the problem, getting too close and not seeing the forest for the trees. Thanks for responding because now I have even more insight.
Everything you’re sharing is exactly what I need in my life right now. Talk about resonance–everything you’re sharing is so aligned with what’s going for me right now so thank you for every priceless word and all the practical ways to deal with things that are coming up.
I greatly appreciate your feedback because I find this also helps tremendously as it allows me to have an actual experience of what you’re talking about, or in this case, the actual “Problem Elimination Chart”–so I can have an immediate experience and understanding of what you’re saying rather than just an intellectual experience. It’s like you’re triggering an actual experience in this process. Not sure if I’m articulating this well, but I’m sure you know what I mean. The intellectual understanding is important but getting it on another level is much more valuable, actually having an experience through the process.
Another cool revelation! How exciting!
Until we connect again…..
Thank you, Leigh. I totally agree about the difference between an intellectual understanding and an actual experience.
I also think that knowledge without application is quickly forgotten. I’m so glad that you are finding benefit in this way of addressing problems. My whole intent was to free people from a great deal of stress and time wasted on worrying about problems, so I’m thrilled to know that you find this helpful. 🙂
Sending you lots of love and hugs!
Hi Saratoga,
My last thought in this wonderful forum for expression is that I realized today that most often the simplest approach is the best. Often I’m travelling through all the layers of something when what I really need to do is just address it simply, head on. What a great revelation to meet a problem this way–so valuable! Thank you again. You always have such brilliant ideas and practical ways to assist evolution.
I finally downloaded the chart 🙂 with a little help. I had made my own in the meantime but yours is way better!
I love your blogs. Thank you for all the time you spend … I am blessed.
Leigh xo
I was smiling the entire time I was reading this. The pictures are just hilarious and if I ever see a rock in the middle of the road one of these days, I’ll probably burst out laughing. 🙂
To answer your question, the challenges I have had dealing with problems are either focusing too much on the problem (check – covered) or when I can’t come up with something to put in the third column (check – covered in the bonus section of your pdf).
I had an insight while reading that bonus section. When it seems there is no solution for a problem I am facing, it could be because there are false assumptions in my mind about the situation. Challenging one of these assumptions, it just fell apart – there was no basis for it. In this case, it was just a gross exaggeration, blown way out of proportion and keeping me effectively stuck.
I have done writing and problem solving before, but tended to focus only on identifying the problems and then any potential solutions. It feels like the fuel is in the second column of your chart, though. It gives you the opportunity to clarify what really has meaning for you in the situation which then provides the power to change it.
Thank you so much for the continuous support you provide to all. Thank goodness you are here! Love and blessings! 🙂
Thanks so much for your feedback, Avalon. I think you’re right about the fuel being in the second column where you state what the problem stands in the way of. That’s where the motivation is.
It’s really hard to feel motivated when you only focus on the problem and its solution. In that case, it’s hard to find a reason not to procrastinate. It’s even difficult to find a solution, because you can easily forget the “why” of why you should or would want to. There’s nothing motivating about a problem, that’s for sure!
It’s kind of cool that the second column is in the center, because that is actually where you want to stay centered! That should be the main event in your consciousness, not the problem. So right away, it puts the thing that you want to experience in command. The problem becomes secondary.
If you are only focused on the problem, then the problem can take over and the solution can be difficult to find. And thus worry and stress will increase, along with your energy and attention being drained. You can easily forget about what you really want.