The Trouble With Religion
There is much good to be derived from religious practices, where humility and love, plus acceptance and respect for others remain a central theme. Where this is the case, religions have no doubt done a great deal to contribute positive benefits to our civilized society. The problem arises, however, when religions take an imperialistic approach to all of humanity.
I do not claim to be a religious scholar, and frankly I wouldn’t want to be. Instead, I speak from my own observations and personal experiences. I would suggest that something becomes a religion any time there is an attempt to dogmatize a belief as the ultimate rendition of the truth, whether that something is related to lifestyle or spirituality. A key ingredient in this dogmatization is to deem everyone else on Earth to be wrong.
What prompted me to write this blog? A well-meaning Christian on my Facebook page who singlehandedly decided that the thousands of people who follow my posts are “poor, lost souls” who are helpless and being misled by me. She was there to pray for their ignorance and victimization. As for me, this woman was practically frothing at the mouth with rage. She couldn’t wait for me to reach, as she put it, “the terrible judgement day” when I would “hide my face” due to these atrocities that I commit by not doing things her way. Amazing, isn’t it? Gee, maybe I was a bit hasty when I used the words well-meaning. 🙂
Religions have been at war with humanity since the beginning of time. If religions were countries, they would be considered imperialistic empires who desire to conquer the world. Religions are probably responsible for more wars, bloodshed, and deaths than anything else in history. All in the name of God. Really? You’re kidding, right?
Instead of singling out any one religion, why don’t we take a look at religion on a planetary level? Imagine if a group of intelligent, extraterrestrial beings were visiting Earth for the first time. Imagine if, in the world from which these beings came, it was totally obvious that there was one creator and one source of omnipresent love. That divine love was recognized as so powerful and so real, that there was never any question about the fact that each and every being possessed a direct lifeline to that powerful love and intelligence from within their heart of hearts. The idea that a loving power of this magnitude would need a lot of confused, angry, judgmental beings to interpret its messages via bureaucratic institutions would be considered laughable at best, and at worst completely insane.
So what do you think such extraterrestrial beings would see upon visiting Earth, with this truth as their ultimate reference point? They would see a lot of lost people who have little or no experience of their own creator, wandering in the darkness trying to figure out who they are and why they are here. Then they would see thousands of institutions called religions, all lined up to lead these poor, lost people back to an experience of their creator. Well, that sounds pretty good, right? Except for one thing. None of these institutions agree with each other.
And even worse, they are all fighting with each other over which one is right and which one really speaks for God. Meanwhile, the true voice of God speaks directly to each individual human being right inside their own heart. Do you really think that a loving God would have it any other way? Would divine, omnipresent love be so remote, so distant, and so utterly unavailable as to leave the essential job of its intimate communication with every individual up to someone else? And more importantly, would a loving God leave it up to conflicting groups of angry, judgmental people whose institutions have no trouble rationalizing the slaughter and/or punishment of non-believing innocents?
Before the finger-pointing starts about any modern-day manifestations of this deadly phenomenon, let’s save ourselves some time and just lump it all together throughout the course of human history. Let’s face it. Almost all religions are about some form of punishment if you don’t do things their way. Either their human representatives will punish you or God will. Either way, you’re doomed if you don’t follow their dictates.
Wouldn’t it be a wonderful world if religions could get over their self-righteous attitudes and accept the fact that each human being has their own divine connection to God’s love? Wouldn’t it be great if religions could demonstrate some overall humility for a change? How about admitting that if thousands of competing religions believe that everyone else is wrong but them, then the odds are extremely high that none of them have all the answers?
If religions could just open their doors and admit that no, they are not actually in charge of the entire universe, then we might each be able to freely benefit from the many good things that they have to offer. How awesome would it be if religions treated other religions with respect and appreciation for their differences? And that would include the people that see no need for any religion at all. Why is that such a problem?
So picture our imaginary extraterrestrial friends looking down on this situation. Imagine the incredulous looks on their faces as they try to understand a world where people treat spirituality like some kind of video game, where whoever gets the most converts wins. Even if it means killing people. Sort of a weird way of cheating, isn’t it? If you can’t succeed at convincing people, you just eliminate them so they don’t count towards your overall score.
And then we have the religion of atheism. This is where people are devoted to opposing something that they claim doesn’t exist. Doesn’t that sound like kind of a waste of time? I mean, why bother?
In conclusion, I think it would be wonderful if all religions could function in a more benevolent way towards everyone. It would be amazing if they could actually acknowledge that God really is in charge, and that the enormity of that power of divine love is perfectly capable of speaking for itself in the hearts and minds of every human being. Perhaps then they could focus on helping people who are interested in getting in touch with that love, without it serving as a war against all other methods.
Namasté and Blessings to all.
Leave me a comment below and share your thoughts with me. What do you think it would be like if all religions could appreciate and respect each other? Do you think this might increase spirituality on this planet, or do you think it might make things worse?
Saratoga, I do not know how to express my emotion at this woman’s rant, if it was not so serious I would keep laughing. This is a woman who needs a dose of the “Final Elimination of Fear.”
Then again, she could retreat back to status quo. Remember, when Jesus came to show a whole new and loving path back to the Light, and stating clearly that he was not here to set up an earthy kingdom? They murdered him, then made a religion out of it saying that he came to die for the sins of these hopeless church herds.
Wouldn’t it be a wonderful world if religions could get over their self-righteous attitudes and accept the fact that each human being has their own divine connection to God’s love? Oh no, Saratoga. What would happen to their institutions and power they seek to wield over “lost” soul with snake-oiled tongue – even dictating humans rights? What would happen to their collection plates with tithes and offerings that allows them to live like royals while the masses – mainly the poor wishing for a heavenly life they failed to first live on earth – go to work to support their domination?
I left that world 40 years ago. I have been back in those walls only for my mother’s funeral and a couple more.
Seriously, I put religion on a “suicide watch.” It is only a matter of time to see which one will take the suicide leap, as all follow the lead. Sadly lost in the funnel of disintegration by their own doing.
I guess then our extraterrestrial friends looking down on this situation can only weep, as Jesus himself wept for Jerusalem.
Monica, thank you for this truly elegant comment. Sadly, I believe you are totally right about the institutional power that might be lost if everyone came to their senses. It’s sad because so much of this insanity is about power over humanity rather than about love.
I seriously believe you about the “suicide watch”. I believe you are right on about this. Even now, they are probably walking themselves into their own demise as they fall into the dustbin of history. Such spiritual barbarism cannot possibly survive our ever-expanding human consciousness. In fact, I am often amazed that this mindset has survived this far!
It sometimes strikes me as spiritual slavery, where human beings are spiritually enslaved by other humans who claim to be speaking for God. Why in the world would divine love create a set-up as ludicrous as a bunch of crazy people duking it out, starting wars, and fighting over who’s right? I don’t understand why this level of barbarism still exists in modern times.
As for the lady who lost it with me in the name of her purported religion, I could hardly even react. I was more incredulous than anything else. How does a perfect stranger deem herself to be the singular judge and jury of tens of thousands of people she’s never met, especially when it comes to something as deeply personal as spirituality? It kind of makes you want to ask such a person “What century are you living in anyway?”
And, yes, you reminded me of Jesus clearly stating that he was not here to create an earthly kingdom. But that doesn’t count, right? Well, don’t get me started on that 🙂
If all religions could appreciate and respect each other I believe that spirituality on this planet would increase and that all of humanity would begin to see themselves as part of the greater universe.
Here is the irony in this, Marianne. If religions could appreciate and respect each other with humility and grace, their influence among people would probably grow. Instead, this old, barbaric way of approaching things will probably lead to their demise at some point, as human beings wake up to their larger humanity in the sense that everyone is a part of a larger universe of divine love. Every single person is deeply and directly connected to God. The more that people wake up to this truth experientially, the less likely they are to tolerate this human attempt to spiritually control their souls.
Thanks for the breath of fresh air in your message, Saratoga. You so simply stand up for the truth by bringing in the extraterrestrial perspective. I feel that everything in my being is supported and expanded when I connect with my real relationship with God and leave the conflict and fragmentation of the religions behind.
You’re welcome, Lucille. For others who may be reading this, let me clarify my reason for bringing in an “extraterrestrial” perspective. It’s not about little green men from Mars and ufo’s. Good heaven’s no! It is simply a way to mentally stand back and expand your perspective to a planetary level, so you can see more clearly.
Hi Saratoga; Well you certainly cannot be accused of shying away from the big, controversial topics.
I think your point about humility is key here. If we are not centered in a place of humility within our hearts we can bet that it is not really our true selves perceiving with a clear sight to the truth. We “see through a glass darkly” when we perceive another through the lens of condemnation. Only the arrogant ego perceives so, in its own ignorance. It is totally insane to think that a loving God would have us condemn and slaughter each other “in His name” for “He” would be condemning “Himself” to death. We are not separate from our Creator and “He” is not separate from us.
Thanks for your illuminating post.
Ha ha – well, that’s for sure about controversial topics, isn’t it, Doug? 🙂
But seriously, how come the religions themselves are not considered the most controversial topic of all? Why am I considered “controversial” just for pointing some things out? The real controversy is that we are not supposed to be paying attention to any of this. If we notice stuff that is inconvenient for us to notice, that is deemed “controversial”.
I think one of the first rules in many religions is “Thou shalt not ask any questions.”
I think you were quoting “A Course in Miracles” above, weren’t you? Now that is a fascinating example of how beautiful it is when a divine message is not turned into a religion and then used to control people. To me, A Course in Miracles is all about freedom and your own personal union with God. What an inspiring manifestation that holds no condemnation of anyone!
It’s not a direct quote but definitely the idea is from ACIM. Yes! That is why I love it so much as it speaks to your “own personal union with God”. It is completely consistent and logical in it’s message throughout the course and totally debunks the “barbarism” of many of the institutionalized religions not to mention many of the collective beliefs that we hold called the ‘status quo’. And it does so, as you said, without condemnation but with pure common sense logic. What an inspiration!
Would love for this to be continued,I have had many problems concerning religous beleifs.Been thought as evil for my searching,studying and trying to figure how persons can really beleive their religions are the only way.I have family members who live at churches(I tend to exaggerate),they go often,yet are so depressed,negative,and waiting for the end of the earth so they will be saved and then happy????It’s like I lose friends and family to illusions.Need to find more kinderd spirits.I tend to love “John Lennons “,song “IMAGINE”.
Letitia, I feel for you about your family members. Of course, they have the right to pursue their own spirituality in whatever way makes sense for them. But the sad part is that you would be condemned as evil for not doing it their way. Once again, that was my entire point. Imagine how much better it would be if they could love and respect you for whatever path you have chosen.
It always seems to me that if religions are so utterly threatened by other people who choose a different path, then that clearly indicates an inherent weakness in their position. If they are calling you evil, then that is fear. Why so much fear, if that church’s position is solidly built on truth?
In a larger sense, we humans are not even able to deal with our own tiny planet. We are destroying it to the point where we are now in the midst of one of the largest mass extinctions in Earth’s history. We are still fighting battles with each other that are millenniums old. We still don’t get along with each other. And YET, religions purport to be the final authority on ALL of creation, and the self-appointed spokespeople for the Creator of the entire universe!
Sounds a bit delusional to me. And we laugh at people who thought the Earth was flat. We laugh at people who used to think that the sun revolved around us. But what can you say when so-called modern people claim to be the one and only spokespeople for the Creator of all that is? When they claim to be the only legitimate voice for that which created this entire gargantuan universe? Honestly, it just leaves me speechless.
I’m sending you so much love, lots of blessings, and tons of hugs. 🙂 In my opinion, you have the absolute right to follow your heart on whatever path makes sense to you. I can’t imagine trying to direct the soul’s path for another person. The creator of the entire cosmos is your creator, too. I wouldn’t dream of interfering with that sacred relationship.
Right! From the bottom of my heart, right!
I always wondered when religious people pray to God if they are actually aware of the Love God has for them. To me, looking at the common ground of Shamanic wisdome throughout the world with the knowledge that all and everything is connected to the force that governs everything, it is a strange idea that one understanding of God could be a cause or battle with another understanding of God. God is Love is all there is!
Your example of Shamanic wisdom is a great one, Ursula.
One of the things I have particularly noticed with religious people who comment inappropriately on my Facebook page (such comments are immediately deleted) is that they are very angry and negative. They do not like people who don’t think as they do. I think the fact that such folks believe that religion is all about winning a battle against other human beings leads to a very unhappy, negative state of mind.
The knowledge that we all share the same personal, yet unique connection to our creator is the only thing that could lead one to peace and happiness. 🙂
Dear Saratoga,
I have two words to say … RIGHT ON!
The truth you espouse, from the heart and your and everyone’s Divine connection, is all there is. Period. End, and hopefully beginning, of story Each day brings a new opportunity. It only take s a few rotten apples to spoil the whole barrel of beauty. Thank you for being here and having the courage to speak truth, and nothing but truth, which is all I’ve ever heard from and through you. 🙂 And with love, I might add!
Leigh, I tried to reply to you yesterday, but a technical glitch wouldn’t let my comment download. Thank you for this! I always appreciate support for speaking about things that are usually not talked about. I want to say that I don’t consider people to be “rotten apples”. I think it’s the angry, negative behavior and beliefs that are the real problem.
People can change their behavior and beliefs to something positive, humble, and respectful of others anytime they choose to. I think that some of them don’t make this choice out of ego, fear, and fear-based brainwashing that God is an angry, vindictive old guy sitting on a throne in the clouds.
If this were true, which to me is ludicrous, then such a “God” would be an abject failure as a creator. Can you imagine a creator that would have to get even with “his” own creations because they were completely out of control in terms of that god’s rules? So this god would have to punish his own creations to keep them in line? To me, that is the dumbest idea ever. Especially the part about eternal damnation. Talk about extreme revenge! No wonder there are atheists! 🙂
I have my own little saying. It’s this: Who needs hell when you have planet Earth? I am referring to the violence, suffering, and unimaginable hardship that is endured by all living creatures on this planet. We need to get a perspective on our situation and stop acting like this is some silly fairytale, run by some old guy with issues, who lives in the clouds. I think this belief is part of why some of these religious folks are so angry and vindictive themselves. They are just mirroring their own belief of how they see God.
Well, that’s my speech for today. Ha ha. 🙂 Much love to you! xoxo
Well, something is certainly backwards in this whole picture, right?
I do not personally participate in religion, but I think it can be a very positive influence for some people and, as you say, there is much good that can come from religious practices which embody respect for others. I’m not sure how it happens, but it seems like the things that have the most potential in this world for positive impact can end up being the most strangely backwards (like religion and there’s some pretty weird stuff in the Arts, too). Maybe they are some kind of “threat” to whatever stands in the way of everyone living in peace, harmony and true fulfillment – it’s like the true potential of religion is kept “under wraps”. Although, I think the real potential here is for everyone to have a direct personal connection with the divine.
I like what you say about religions that could appreciate and respect each other probably growing their influence. I’m no religious scholar either, 🙂 but I’ve heard it said that some of the most inclusive and tolerant religions have been among the most heavily persecuted throughout history. Again, I don’t know exactly how this works, but it just seems conspicuous.
I don’t think we will ever fully understand this, Avalon. Sometimes it seems like critical thinking is in short supply on planet Earth. I am referring to the fact that many people don’t connect the fact that if God is infinite love, then that removes any potential for negativity, punishment, and judgement.
But, boy, humans are so given to making exceptions for everything – even God! As far as the arts go, I think that true art is inherently spiritual. So I guess there could definitely be issues there as well.
I think it’s more important to focus on what brings joy, happiness, and love, and not try too hard to figure out the other stuff. Let’s just focus on being creators! Yay! 🙂
Thought-provoking insights on the complexities of religion! Your perspective encourages deep reflection and understanding. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Thank you for this thought-provoking article on religion. It provides a nuanced perspective on the complexities and challenges associated with faith. Well-written and engaging!