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Why I Hate The Food Chain

I want to invite you to go to a place in your consciousness where you may have never ventured before. I want to suggest that you allow yourself to entertain ideas that perhaps never occurred to you and to question things that you didn’t know you were allowed to question.

Look at the pictures of these gorgeous animals above this writing. I want to point out their beauty and adorableness for a specific reason. That reason has to do with the food chain. The food chain, in my opinion, is entirely incongruent with the creation of such magnificence. And these photos represent only a tiny sample of the breathtaking beauty of all living things on our illustrious planet Earth. Contrast that beauty with the nature of the food chain.

The food chain is a very bizarre phenomenon where in order for something to live, something else must die. Eventually, literally every living thing must die in order to keep things in balance. So living things are killed and replaced through reproduction in this very delicate balance where one species is not allowed to overtake another. But more importantly, the food chain represents a situation where the death of one begets the life of another.

Now there are many people who wish to romanticize this phenomenon as a lovely example of the yin and the yang. They may even call it “beautiful” and liken it to the in and out motion of the breath, darkness and light, etc., etc. Sure, I guess you could make such an argument. Except for one thing:

Here in New Mexico, we are often awakened in the middle of the night by the sound of coyotes killing their prey. It is a horrific sound of an entire pack of these wild dogs shrieking and yelping as they corner some poor, innocent creature whose life is about to end. I recall many a night cringing in bed with my fingers in my ears, so as not to hear the sound of a terrified jackrabbit screaming for its life as it became food for these hungry creatures.

dolphin leaping from water

How many billions of times a day does the  above example repeat itself in one form or another around the entire planet? Have you noticed that every one of the creatures that is being devoured by another for food wants desperately to live? Maybe they just haven’t heard about how “spiritual” and “natural” all of this is. After all, if they knew what so many humans want to believe, they might even offer themselves up for their predator’s next meal as a sign of cooperation and acknowledgement of how wonderful it is to be part of the food chain.

There is nothing natural about the food chain and there is especially nothing natural about any creature’s death being a source of life and food for another. Of course I do know that I have just made a highly controversial statement. But that just depends on what you are used to and what you may have wholly adapted to mentally as a planetary inhabitant of Earth. Even though we appear to have no choice but to be a part of this, it doesn’t mean that we can’t question it.

The food chain is essentially a chain of ongoing death among the most beautiful and wondrous creatures ever created. Every one of these amazing creatures wants to live, ourselves included. What living thing does not seek and absolutely adore being alive? Even plants exhibit an enormous drive towards life. But the biggest question is why create all of this awesome planetary beauty just for food and death? It makes no sense.

I want to invite you to imagine something. Imagine a planet where every gorgeous, living being has been carefully crafted by divine intelligence in its absolute highest state of perfection, beauty, and love. Each being is so utterly precious that it would be literally unthinkable for that being to ever deteriorate, die, or be devoured by something else for food. Reproduction is not a factor, because no one needs to be replaced. Thus there is no such thing as “over-population”. The only reason we here on Earth experience over-population in any venue of life is because there has not been enough killing and dying to balance out ongoing reproduction and replacement.


two horses galloping


Yes, everything I’m saying involves a mental confrontation of the well-established, planetary status quo, in terms of what you are willing to envision. But if you look closely, you will find that what drives that confrontation is the heart. In fact, that confrontation is so large that it even confronts the existence of entropy itself. But why not? Why not come out of the typical narrow-minded, human approach where new thought must first be proven to validate the old, before it will be considered viable. (I believe it’s called science.)

Science is far too slow to address such things, as it is mostly premised on what already exists in any given sphere of life. Instead, why don’t we take the fast, adventurous track and actually listen to our hearts? Why not listen to our superior, divine intelligence? Is it even remotely rational to presume that such unspeakable beauty and love of life among all creatures here is created solely to supply some giant planetary cafeteria? As I said before, even plants adore life, so this is not just about a vegetarian idea as a solution.

I will propose to you that something is very, very wrong with this picture. I will venture a guess that your heart might agree, even if your mind is protesting with all sorts of so-called good reasons for why the food chain needs to exist. When all else fails, the default answer will always be “because God said so.” Well, if God is infinite love, then how is it possible that love needs to see things suffer, die, and lose their lives so that other things can eat? What sort of “love” creates a bizarre system such as this?

two birds on branch

As you can probably tell, I don’t agree with this rationale. So what can we do? Firstly, let me say that I don’t actually “hate” the food chain. Hate is a wasted emotion. Instead, I choose to listen to my heart. There is simply no point in death being necessary to life. That is a crazy idea. Instead of dutifully accepting this belief and all of its horrific manifestations, why don’t we begin to envision what we know in our hearts to be true? This is a really big universe, and believe it or not there is actually massive manifestation of infinite life all over the place. We just don’t see it because we unwittingly subscribe to something else.

So there’s my challenge, if you are feeling particularly adventurous. Can you envision something better? Can you envision something aligned with pure, unconditional love? Can you find it in your heart to openly reject the idea of the food chain and all of its suffering within your own consciousness? Can you actually admit to yourself that in your heart you find this intolerable, even if there does not appear to be any way out?

This is all about co-creative visioning with our creator. This is about supporting our heartfelt desire for something else that manifests as infinite love on our planet and expressing that desire when we pray. If the power of love is so great that it can create vast universes of light along with endless seas of immortal life, then is our little earthly problem so impossible to fix? I think not. I hope you are into the adventure!


hand holding dog's paw

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