An End to Suffering
We need a massive, planetary paradigm shift. This all starts with our human state of mind. Let’s begin with a discussion about our current, collective belief about what is going on here when it comes to suffering.
A belief is merely an idea or perspective that is presumed to be true. We have presumed many things on this Earth, so let’s look at the big picture of what is commonly believed.
Here is the most destructive idea about what constitutes a human being: It is believed that to be human means to possess both good and evil in one’s consciousness. It’s believed that we are deliberately created this way by God.
Let’s examine this belief for a moment. Why would God create beings that possessed both good and evil? What would be the point? Can you think of a single, positive reason for this?
Some might say that this is a weird game where we are supposed to learn to choose the good and overcome the bad. Well, if that were true, then it would be God’s weird game, which is highly doubtful. A powerful, all-loving creator has to be a lot more intelligent than that, for heaven’s sake.
A Silly Game?
In fact, that would be the ultimate of silly games, wouldn’t it? It would be as though God said, “Hey, here’s a fun idea! I’ll make these people with competing experiences inside their consciousness. I’ll make it so there is a never-ending war going on in their minds. I’ll make it so they live 24/7 with an internal battle between right and wrong, good and bad, love and hate.”
“I’ll tell these beings that it is their job to win their internal war by siding with the good. And if they fail, I will punish them with even worse, more horrible experiences than the ones they were fighting against. That’ll teach ’em!”
“Next, I’ll send them to Earth with no instructions and watch the show. This oughta be good!”
Doesn’t that sound a bit ridiculous? Common sense alone rules out that argument.
This may sound funny, but in truth, it is deadly serious. Here’s why. If we continue to believe that God made us this way on purpose, that belief also presumes that God created suffering as well, because suffering is the absolute outcome of fighting this battle.
But here’s the worst part. This false belief implies that our job on Earth is to fight this battle and win. If that’s true, then how are we doing? Are we winning? Of course not. Things have continued to look more bleak than ever for thousands of years and counting.
Our Real Purpose
The idea that we are supposed to win this battle is a total red herring. It serves only to distract us from our real, collective purpose. Our collective purpose is to function as creators and play an active role in Earth’s evolution. That is a vastly different role than fighting a battle.
In order to function as creators, we must first stop and gather our wits about us. We must exit the battle and examine what is really going on here. A creator steps aside and engages a higher level of intelligence in order to determine an overview.
The overview is actually quite simple. It starts with the premise that God is omnipresent, infinite love. That means that our creator can only beget oneness and love. Nothing else is possible. In this truth, suffering is definitely not possible. It can’t exist under any circumstances whatsoever.
So how come it exists here? If it exists here, it is because there is an underlying principle that makes it possible. Without that underlying principle, it can’t manifest. So the idea is to eliminate that principle. That principle is what we refer to as the source of fear. It is the source of all duality, along with the appearance of good and evil. It is the source of all suffering. It is what creates the battle.
As long as the source of fear, or this principle, is present in our universe, the battle will go on. And there is no winning. There is only a perpetuation of more of the same. The principle ensures that.
So don’t consider your purpose to be winning a battle that is not winnable. Instead, see yourself as a powerful creator who can partner with the benevolent forces in this universe to finally eradicate this principle once and for all.
This principle does not get eliminated by fighting it. There is no battle in omnipresent love. It will be eliminated by clarity and by coming back into a space of consciousness that acknowledges the truth of who we are as creators.
How do we function as creators at a higher level?
We have the power to completely transform this planetary dimension of life. But we have to start by evolving ourselves. We have to give up the belief that our task is to win the battle. We have to acknowledge that the battle should not exist in the first place.
Something is causing our inner battle, which ultimately manifests as an outer battle in the larger world. Something is causing an illusion that the universe is split into 2 parts: good and evil, or God and not God. This illusion of duality supplies us with a never-ending experience of love and hate, health and disease, joy and sorrow, courage and fear, clarity and confusion, life and death, finite and infinite, etc. We live in a perpetual experience of the battle between these polar opposites. All of this adds up to struggle and suffering.
A creator recognizes that this condition is erroneous and not who we are. A creator realizes that if this is our condition, something exists that permits it and that “something” needs to be eliminated. A creator does not pray to win the battle, but instead sets forth an intention to have the entire underlying problem eliminated once and for all.
A creator knows that if you eliminate the cause of duality, then suffering can no longer exist in any form whatsoever.
But wouldn’t that end life as we know it?
Well, of course it would! But isn’t that the whole idea? Do you enjoy all of this pain and suffering? Do you enjoy feeling like you have to get old and die, just when you are getting started? Do you enjoy watching your loved ones suffer and go through so much struggle? Do you enjoy watching poverty, starvation, war, and planetary destruction? What is the benefit and when is enough, enough?
There are some who will say, “Hey, if that stuff wasn’t happening, what would we do? There would be no challenge to life and things would be incredibly boring!”
To those people, I would say – Have you no imagination? But this is what happens when you spend many thousands of years in a battle. You completely forget that there is way more to a legitimate planetary life than this phony battle of duality. There is something called empowered creation. But we never get to that here on Earth. We spend every waking moment struggling for oxygen. Struggling to just stay alive and survive.
So where do we start?
We start by giving up the false notion that we are comprised of good and bad. We aren’t. We are all love. 100%. The manifestation of good and bad is a symptom. It is a signal that something has gone wrong and needs to be corrected. It is a sign that some underlying, erroneous principle has taken hold in our reality and is causing this collective experience of duality. It tells us that we need to intend the final elimination of this principle, which will thereby restore us and our planet to a true state of infinite love and oneness.
On a practical level, we begin this process by having clarity about this and holding the intention stated above. Then we apply this clarity to our individual situations. If we are manifesting good and bad in our lives, it’s not because this is who we are. We need to stop identifying with this condition and see it for what it is. We need to cease judging and berating ourselves for a condition that has nothing to do with the truth about us.
Next, we start learning to manifest in our individual lives. We start acting like creators instead of victims. We find our strength again. By finding strength in our individual lives, we become more capable of understanding our wider role in the planet’s evolution. We start to wake up to the fact that we live in the universe and that we are necessary participants in a much broader context.
The more that we awaken in this way, the greater are our chances of playing a conscious, active role in the restoration of our beautiful planet to its original state of infinite love and presence. And thus the sooner we can all return to a universal state of oneness with the rest of the cosmos, where there is no such thing as suffering and all exists as a beautiful expression of divine and perfect love.
What do you think about this topic? I’d love it if you share your thoughts with me below!
Thanks Saratoga for this perspective on the most important question that we can ask ourselves: “Why all the suffering?”
I find it helpful to remind myself that I am as God created me not how I have learned to see myself through the lens of duality and society’s conditioning. I did not create myself so why pretend that I did, which is what, in essence, I am doing whenever I entertain a notion of myself that is not loving or true. This helps to center me in the truth of who I really am – a being of Love and love only. It also helps me to connect with that wholly loving presence of God within. How do you connect to a god that has designed a species and world capable of endless, untold suffering, and make that a prerequisite for evolution?
Doug, I really like your last sentence here. When you put it that way, it’s so easy to see why there is so much confusion. It just doesn’t add up! That is hardly a platform for evolution.
It occurs to me that one could make a case for the fact that the existence of suffering indicates a failed creation. I will never understand how people can rationalize suffering as a good thing. It makes no sense!
Since we know that infinite love cannot produce failure, it should be clear that something has gone wrong here that has nothing to do with God. We should stop defending suffering as “God’s will”. That false belief is a great way to stay trapped in this situation.
Saratoga, I finally got it! How to eliminate this duality, which I thought was my nature.
It takes me me back to religion. For centuries scribes and philosophers have been explaining this duality. From the cradle we hear of good and evil, God and the Devil, and because these treatise appear so sacred, we structured them in our consciousness and reality.
Hey, a light bulb came on reading your blog. It can now finally eradicate this “stupid” duality. In its place now arises a deeper understanding of term: “the collective” or “the combining power of two” – in my decision to partner only with the benevolent forces in this universe. It all comes down to my choice.
Thank you so much!!!!
Hi Monica! Yes, it is indeed erroneous to believe that duality is our “nature”. No it’s not. Something is messed up if we live with warring factions in our consciousness. How can that be according to design? That is just plain weird.
As long as we stay trapped in an ongoing inner battle, that battle will continue to manifest in our outer world. The key is to realize that there is no winning here. You might make progress in the direction you want to go, but it will be small and hard-won when compared to what we are really capable of when we exit the battle.
Obviously this is a huge subject, but it’s great to begin the dialogue here. 🙂
Thankyou so much….100% love. Progressive not perfection!
You’re welcome, Victoria. Yes, I think it’s from the realization that our true nature is 100% love, that we can make real progress in our evolution back to the full manifestation of who we really are.
Saratoga, I woke up in the middle of the night with your words and this message swirling around in my mind. I remembered what you said when we were discussing writing a few months ago, and I told you I was blocked. You told me to remember what it felt like when I was really excited about practicing piano, when I was learning all this difficult repertoire from “the great master composers” (who were all men, by the way …. interesting :). You told me to get in touch with that feeling… the feeling of what made me want to run to the piano and practice 8 hours a day for years! I loved it. Your advice stuck with me, as it always does, and I use the analogy here about practicing–anything, with joy, with love, with purpose… it’s all about that for me. And little by little I got to be a pianist. And now, little by little I get to be the real me. I’m creating my own reality, my own resonance with God, and Truth, and how I want live my moments, in this sphere, now.
Practicing, literally, both in my thoughts, meditating daily (sometimes twice a day), yoga, whatever feels right that calms and centers me with what’s real, so that I become better at staying conscious of what’s real, and so that I don’t get dragged into the lie. It seems the more focused I am on staying conscious of the Truth of God as infinite creator and that I am aligned with this truth since it’s everything, the more natural it becomes to resonate with my infinite creative self. If I find myself deviating from this resonance–either emotionally, mentally or whatever–I immediately notice, it’s like a jolt now, and shift. I’ve become increasingly aware of how uncomfortable I feel when I lapse from consciousness, which seems to be fading fast. My true desire is to live the Truth, and to be happy… God knows I bought into the duality for so much of my life. But I can’t pretend anymore that I don’t know. And I’ve made a choice from which there is no turning back. I make choices NOT to resonate with suffering, with this seemingly endless lie. This doesn’t mean I stick my head in the sand, but I can make choices. “Be the change you want to see …..” If I don’t live it in my own life, what hope is there that I can have any affect on anything or anyone? I am in control of my own life. It feels amazing!
Rainer Maria Rilke, this wonderful German poet who I love, says (paraphrased a little…) “…. if we could just live the questions then maybe we could live along some distant day into the answers”. So my burning question now that I am awake and conscious is — Who am I supposed to be if I’m not who I thought I was? What an exciting adventure…. even if things aren’t totally the way I want them to be, yet, I am certain that they will be.
This planet is so incredibly beautiful …. and as I resonate with all of the beauty and the love, it seems that I experience more and more of it. Law of attraction … I remember Mikhail speaking of magnetism, so much. Sort of like getting better at playing the piano, or writing… or just being who I am. Even if I lapse into some old thought patterns, the lie disintegrates really fast. I just can’t be in that dynamic anymore. I think I’ve reached my suffering capacity, and I’d really like to stay and see what happens next. And interestingly, I’m feeling much younger than I used to… I’m listening to myself on all levels….. physically, my body’s changing, old weight falling away, just morphing into myself with seemingly no effort. It’s as if I’m finding my natural norm in everything. It’s amazing… and yesterday I walked into the little Asian grocery store up the street, found myself going into the “fridge” in the back where there were more wonderful fruits and vegetables… and lo and behold, there were about 5 dozen gorgeous red roses. What can I say… the signs are everywhere affirming my new reality. I love watching the signs.
Dearest Saratoga, I appreciate your infinite love and support more than I can ever say. You resonate with love in my consciousness– I’m beginning to embrace the journey. I can’t imagine where I’d be if I hadn’t connected with Telstar. What a gift you are. I know this is a long message, but I don’t care. I needed to say it all! 🙂
Leigh, I love what you said about resonating with your infinite, creative self. That is a great way to look at it, because it gives you a constant gauge about where you are.
I also like what you said about reaching your “suffering capacity”. This is so key! As long as we feel that we retain tolerance for more suffering (even if we don’t like it), then it shall go on.
The tolerance is usually a function of rationalizing it, and trying to find some “good” in it or justifiable “reasons why”. Suffering on an individual basis can also persist because it becomes entrenched as a comfort zone. Comfort zones can be exceedingly painful, as well as positive. There are no rules when it comes to comfort zones. They can fall on either side of the duality spectrum, and be as mild or extreme as possible.
It sounds like you are really getting your bearings in life with all of this! 🙂
Thanks, Saratoga. I am getting my bearings… Barb says it perfectly here when she talks about conscious choice. It’s one thing that I have absolute control over–especially my thoughts which fuel my emotional reactions and then my actions. It’s so powerful when it’s a moment-to-moment awareness of Truth, and knowing that there is no “other side”, unless we engage with the lie and give it form and substance.
Conscious choice is everything because it’s a statement to the universe that I refuse to tolerate suffering in my life. I can’t do it for anyone else, but I know if I’m true to this always then somehow this will help the planet. The fact that we’re talking about this is proof of how much we want to evolve out of the lie we’ve become entrenched in on this planet. WOW!! YAY!!
Thank you for giving us more and more insight into our evolution. It’s SO exciting!! And it’s wonderful to connect with everyone in these incredible conversations. Mikhail once talked about life being like a mirrored pine cone, and we’re all sitting around with our reflections in this beautiful image and we each have something special to bring in our unique individuality… but we all make up the totality and beauty of the pine cone together.
Fantastic pictures – so representative of our collective consciousness. Isn’t it interesting how in images like this, the angels always seem to be doing battle with the devils? I think that’s what so much of our literature and drama have been about through the ages. (Usually about people, not angels and devils, but it’s the same in the end.)
I’ve started to see things differently, lately. Real angels, goodness, and God just stand on their own. There is no opposition, it all just is. In the context of our world and returning it to a place of infinite love, there is a direction and striving to a goal, but to me that’s totally different than battling something.
It feels like the good/bad conflict just seems to be a widespread “given”. There’s good people/bad people, good countries/bad countries, good actions/bad actions, and so on, and this is how we look at everything by default. Maybe at times it makes sense to talk of more positive and less positive things, but it feels like this duality just gets overlaid on top of everything and it all becomes polarized to an extent we aren’t even seeing it for what it is anymore.
Yes, Avalon, the trouble is that we are so immersed in duality, that we think that is all there is. This is the real planetary trap.
We have to step away from duality and see it for what it is. The only way to do this is to be true to what we know in our hearts. That’s where our experiential link to truth is.
Dearest Saratoga, you have so illuminated the choice – live as an empowered creator with all of life, or play the victim in a never ending illusion of duality. Coming into awareness & clarity and making a conscious choice is an amazing leap in our evolution. Thank you from my heart of hearts for this amazing grace of insight, Wow! ♡
You’re very welcome, Barb. 🙂 And, yes, it’s all about realizing that we have a conscious choice. Until we see the choice, we will be forever trapped in the battle.
I love the part where you talk about learning to manifest in our lives, and expanding our level of awareness and consciousness, an upward spiral to co creatorship, this is so amazing, its like a beacon of light ☆
This explanation sounds so logical and true!
Thank you Saratoga. I’ll really try to do my part!
That’s great, Barbara! So glad you enjoyed this. 🙂
This sounds so simple…yet it’s like getting rid of a bad habit….one I’had for as long as I can remember. I am excited to make the changes in how I think of myself in this positive way….I’ve been searching for my purpose and how I can help our planet. You have given me the answer…I will start by changing how I think of myself first…& this will affect those I interact with! How exciting! Thank you Saratoga for being here for us!
I think that is exactly how the world is, people have their own veiws of what is right and what is wrong. The issue is we believe that our value and beliefs are what the worlds should be, their is no room for comprimise. Extreme veiws on anything is the casue of the conflict across our world. The theory that if there is no opposites how do we tell the difference between good and evil. i think that if we all accept that our own perceptions are ok then the bad would exist, unfortunately there are those in our world who are unwilling to do this.Each of us is unique in ourselves, if acceptance of this was to be part of all the peolpe on this planet, then that peace and goodwill you speak of would exist. its something that will evolve slowly one person at a time.If we ensure that ourselves act in this manner the the change will happen slowly but surely, you never say never!!!!!