What is Ascension and Why Does it Matter?

June 12th, 2019 | 9 comments
What is Ascension and Why Does it Matter?

Ascension is an amazing phenomenon that is well worth understanding. When you are clear about what it is, your ability to align with it can set you on a powerful course of accelerated evolution and spiritual development. Yet ascension is a term that is sometimes difficult to grasp because its many definitions lack sufficient context. I find that the easiest way to understand ascension is to define it in the simplest, broadest context possible.

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A Simple Way to Understand Life!

January 8th, 2017 | 37 comments
A Simple Way to Understand Life!

How much time do you spend trying to understand your life? Sometimes it seems like we are put here with a host of problems and no instructions about how to solve them. Wouldn’t it be great if a simple paradigm shift could clear your mind and show you the best way forward? The good news is that there is such a shift, and I’m going to show you exactly how to make that happen.

A paradigm refers to your view or perception of reality. It’s how you see the world. We tend to think that what we see is the way that it actually is. But what we see is actually just a product of what we believe. We usually see only that which reinforces our belief. Anything else is likely to be blocked out. So if we feel trapped by our outer circumstances, the reality is that the trap is mostly inside our minds.

Imagine this. Imagine that you are in a big, wide world filled with endless possibilities. You can literally do almost anything you want, by learning how to do it and then taking action. You are a creator, an infinite being living in a body, who can survey the world and make whatever creative choices you wish. This is what life looks like when you remember who you are.

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