How the Ego Affects Your Flow of Divine Energy
We are each made to experience a continuous flow of divine energy throughout our being. This energy supports us, sustains us, and provides us with an ongoing sense of inner peace and clarity of mind. The beauty of this divine force of energy and love is that it perfectly matches the individuality of each person’s unique, divine expression and personality.
So all would be well in our lives if this beautiful flow of energy and love were to remain uninterrupted. But with the ego around, that is not the case. The ego literally acts as an interrupter to this amazing energetic flow of divinity.
What is the Ego?
The ego exists as a substitute “self” that bids us to function in a way where God is supposedly not needed. Because fear is the experience of the absence of God, the ego exists as the voice of that absence. And because there is no such thing as the absence of God, the ego is really an illusion.
The only evidence we have of the ego’s feigned existence can be found in the way that it influences our thoughts. The ego acts as a braking mechanism to everything we feel, sense, or know that is positive and life-giving. It is the virtual source of doubt and negative thinking.
Here is one way to illustrate this point in a very simple way. Many people worry about the so-called “Anti-Christ”, as though it were a singular entity somewhere in the cosmos. Let’s take a look at this idea in an entirely new way.
Let’s envision our beautiful, natural flow of divine energy as the Christ Light energy of divine love, meant to flow through every aspect of our being. Along comes the phenomenon known as the ego, whose only role is to impede that flow of energy.
Wherever that Christ Light flows and manifests, the ego cannot exist. It is similar to placing a bright light in a dark room. In the presence of that light, the darkness disappears. Thus, the ego’s simple function is to act as the proverbial anti-Christ, by causing you to resist that flow of divinity through your consciousness and your being by using the force of fear.
By working against that flow of divine energy and impeding it, the ego can encourage you to believe that the ego is real and something to be listened to. It thus convinces you that there are two things to consider: either its fear-based perspective or the truth of God’s love.
What are the signs that the ego is working against your flow of divine energy?
Here are some of the signs to look for if you want to know whether or not the ego is attempting to sabotage your experience of a divine flow of energy:
- You are going along, having a wonderful day, when you suddenly find yourself reacting in a highly negative way to something over which you have little or no control. This causes you to tense up, your mood changes, and your day then takes a turn for the worst.
- You find it difficult to gain clarity about an important decision. Your intuition and higher intelligence stand ready to inform you about the best possible choice. But the ego throws monkey wrenches into your thinking with all kinds of negative judgements about you and others, and a vast array of all of the worst possible outcomes for you to ponder. The ego is a master at undermining your strength and creating mass confusion in your consciousness.
- You find it difficult to feel in command of your life and circumstances. The ego continually prods you with fear and anxiety, which causes you to lose faith in yourself and withdraw from new opportunities. The ego tells you that it’s safer to remain inside your familiar comfort zone, even if it’s miserable.
- The ego directs your attention to people and circumstances outside of you as the reason for all of your problems. It does this to deflect you from taking responsibility for your life, in which case you might begin to notice the amazing power that you have as a creator. Such a realization would mean the death of the ego’s role in controlling your life. Instead, you would realize that you have the power of the Christ Light running through you, as your most amazing source of empowerment and energy. The ego would then be out of a job. So it keeps you busy focusing on things over which you have no control.
Here are 5 things you can do to reduce the ego’s influence and encourage a positive flow of divine energy in your life
- Start each day from a place of peace and feeling centered. A small bit of time spent in meditation and gratitude will be well worth the effort. This gives you an experiential baseline of positive energy from which to begin your day.
- Try to open up to this feeling of positive energy so that it flows more readily throughout your being. Focus on your breath to relax you whenever you feel yourself tensing up.
- Stay in touch with your physical body. Notice that when your energy flows, your body relaxes. When your thoughts and emotions tense up with fear and anxiety, your body also tenses up. Your body can function as a simple barometer to measure how well your energy is flowing overall.
- Doubt, anger, fear, and anxiety are all signs of the ego’s interference in your flow of divine energy. Try to shift your center away from the ego’s urgent distractions, and move back into your natural center of peace and relaxation.
- Review your sense of priorities. If you have made it an unconscious priority to react with anxiety and negativity to events over which you have little or no control, then resolve to change that. What can you do to create a more positive experience in the areas of life over which you do have control?
Overall, the most important thing is to truly revere and desire a positive flow of divine energy throughout your being. This is your natural state, and will empower you with the clarity, inspiration, healing, and creativity necessary to create the life you desire.
Your decision to make your natural flow of Christ Light energy a priority in your life will motivate you and empower you to put many of the ego’s shenanigans to rest. Then your body, mind, and emotions can flourish with all of the awesome benefits of encouraging that beautiful flow!
Have you noticed the physical effects on your energy when you tense up with negative thinking and doubt? What other thoughts do you have on this subject? Share with me in the comments below 🙂
Amazing. Spot on thank you!
Glad you enjoyed this, Yvonne 🙂
Exactly what I’m working on, thanks. Part of me is afraid that if I remain relaxed, nothing will get done. Yet I can see that relaxation is necessary for health. (I LOVE that last picture, so beautiful.)
I totally understand what you’re saying, Linda. The key is to find a balance in being relaxed, yet focused. It’s when we lose focus that things don’t get done.
I have been working on my ego. Sometimes can be a challenge but i immediately think of way goal or purpose I’m trying to achieve. Great blog, thank you for posting it!
Sonia, this is so key. Without goals or a sense of purpose, we can be sitting ducks for the ego’s shenanigans. If we don’t give ourselves something positive to focus on, then our minds start wandering all over the place and our tendency is to be more reactive. In this case, voila! The ego has the perfect environment to distract us with all kinds of nonsense.
So, yes, focusing on your goals or purpose is an excellent way to circumvent the ego.
Nail on the head, again, Saratoga!
These reminders are so welcome.
Even when we know the ego is the cause for discomfort and disease, it’s easy to blame others or something else when these things occur. It’s difficult to re-train the brain by one’s self.
God bless you for all you do, dear one.
You are loved ♡
Hi Barbara – To continue with what I was saying to Sonia, I think it really helps if we give ourselves something positive to focus our energy on. If we don’t have any particular direction in life, other than our routines, we leave space for the ego to intervene with its negative energy and perspective.
The more that we can place ourselves on a positive path of our own making, the less opportunity we provide for the ego to interfere in our consciousness because it’s already full with the good stuff. 🙂
Just falling in love with this beautiful illuminating truth, it’s empowering, the Light of Christ to become my prayer.
Funny, I can still find myself actually holding my breath between keystrokes at work! Then i catch myself and take some deep breaths, and ask my Angels for help in using my time to make everything happen that needs to.
I can also see myself in some of the ego shenigans you exposed.
I feel a strong shift of centering myself in the Christ Light, as the truth, as opposed to the ego, which is the lie.
This is a most beautiful illuminating post, thank you and Telstar for bringing truth and light to us, thank you!☆☆☆♡♡♡☆☆☆
Barb, I’m so glad you enjoyed this post. I know what you mean about holding your breath at a computer. Man, those things are really bad for our health, if we’re not paying attention. Standing up, stretching your arms overhead, and taking some deep breaths every 20 minutes or so makes a real difference.
Maybe I should do a blog on how sitting at a computer arrests your physical flow of energy. Hmm….. 🙂
That would be an interesting blog.
These constant reminders about how the ego operates to undermine the truth of who we are is so vital to our evolution. No matter how much I understand this intellectually, I do get caught by the ego’s banter and insidious attempts to undermine my best efforts to create and respond to my life in ways that are aligned with my true aims and desires. It also seems that when I get “caught”, it’s really hard to undo the mental junk that takes hold of my psyche. It’s like I feel as if I’m suddenly on the battlefield. It really feels like a fight. Taking a deep breath or two, or even sitting down for a brief meditation, is powerful because it allows me to pause and sink into the moment as me! And that allows me to make the necessary shift. The ego actually feels like a constant negative entity interfering with life. I see it around me constantly with all the terrible things that are relentlessly occurring on this planet. And I’m very clear about the fact that the only part of life I have any control over is my own. So I try very hard not to get into an emotional dynamic–which is not always easy when you see so much suffering, and the way it’s all presented in the media.
Thank you so much, Saratoga, for articulating this the way you have here… each time you do this it brings new light to my experience and strengthens my resolve to say absolutely NO TRESPASSING to this disgusting energy. It truly requires constant vigilance and clarity which I’m working on all the time. So your direction here is crucial. Wonderful message! You are so right on in the ways you define how the ego “gets in”. You always support me dramatically in finding new ways of not engaging with this lie. So thank you for this deep and clear reminder of the subtleties and agenda of the ego.
Leigh, isn’t it weird how we have these internal battles with ourselves? That should be a clue right there that something is wrong here. We should have only a sense of total oneness within ourselves. Isn’t that so obvious when you think about it? Not a feeling that some weird “other self” is trying to sabotage our positive efforts.
As you know, I’m not one to say “Oh, the ego is fine!” Based on what? Based on the fact that it’s here? I don’t think so! You know, it’s a lot more fun and empowering to think radically when it comes to our human evolution. Just making excuses and finding ways to live with things like the negative, thinking “voice in the head” doesn’t get us very far.
So maybe that makes us “radical evolutionaries” Ha ha! 🙂
Anyway, I’m so glad you’re finding these posts beneficial. Lots of love to you!
Just what I needed !- Thank you- All love……
You’re welcome, Josephine 🙂
All of the reading I’ve been doing about Mind and the Subconscious are so easily explained in today’s post. So simply and refreshingly explained and in a comfortable nutshell.
I was having trouble remembering a dream. After reading halfway through your post I remembered it and saw clearly the interaction of the Ego and this positive flow of energy (Christ Light?)
I do like my dreams. They’re better than tv – especially after I see what they’re expressing. It’s uncanny how you were there with this message exactly when I needed it – you do that a lot!
Thank you!
Josie, that’s great that you enjoy your dreams so much. I know what you mean – sometimes I experience dreams that seem more awesome than this reality. 🙂
Reading some of the other comments, you respond in part to one: Without goals or a sense of purpose . . .
Can you explain or direct me to where I can understand this better? How do you know if you’re just drifting or putting other things first. Why would someone avoid (?) Having a sense purpose or goals? Why this heavy Iron Door. Is there a key to opening this door?
Josie, I think part of the reason that people avoid having a sense of purpose or goals is because of how we are educated. We spend most of those years fulfilling the goals set out for us by other people (teachers). This does not mean that teachers are bad – they are truly important, of course. It’s more about the context of our education.
We are essentially educated to fulfill the goal of working for someone else. So over time, that creates a subconscious paradigm that the goal is to do what other people want. This also happens socially.
When we are conditioned into this type of framework for our reality, then it is very difficult to expand that reality to include what we, ourselves, may want in life. Which is why it may feel like an “iron door”. Our minds are generally not conditioned to think this way. That’s why we have to make the effort to change our own conditioned thinking.
I have several recommendations for you:
First, let me say that I am in the process of putting together a series of online courses where we can go into much greater depth about such things. So stay tuned for that. (I’d suggest you get on my mailing list, if you haven’t already.)
In the meantime, you might want to check out Stephen Covey’s book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”. He has some pretty interesting things to say that you might find helpful.
I would also suggest that you purchase my earlier book entitled “The Final Elimination of the Source of Fear” available at Amazon. This will explain to you exactly why things are so difficult in this world, plus give you a simple process that can dramatically accelerate whatever positive changes you are trying to make.
I hope this helps! 🙂
Josie, I should also mention that I am currently working on an online course that I’m thinking of titling “How to Fire the Ego and Take Back Your Life”. I’m hoping to make this available before the end of this year, and it will have a ton of information that could answer a lot of your questions. 🙂
Thank you so much for this very timely blog! This is exactly what I have been focusing on and trying very hard to help my teenage son to realise the same… As his parent, trying to help him focus and work on areas like this seems far more of a challenge than when there is actual evidence elsewhere other than ‘what mum suggests’…
Would there be a possibility of you releasing a morning/daily meditation prayer to help us all to focus on and reach this Christ Light state on waking, or to bring us back to it in the middle of the day or evening, before sleeping?
That would be so wonderful and would also help younger adults, who also become so affected by hormonal changes and mood swings in their lives…
Thank you for all your beautiful and timely messages!
God and Angel blessings, love and light and with so much gratitude… XoX ✨ XoX
Hi Brucella!
I can totally relate to what you are saying about your son, as I, too have been through the teenage years with my son and daughter. Yep, that’s the period when mom becomes mysteriously ignorant about so many things! Lol! 🙂 So I do understand the challenge.
As to your question about a morning prayer/meditation, I could absolutely do this. Right now I am spending a great deal of time creating some online courses to go into greater depth about many of the things I talk about, so I don’t know when I will have the time to create what you are suggesting, as an isolated item. But I will definitely keep it in mind for the future.
I do have a free angel meditation mp3 download that you can try for now, and see if that is helpful in any way. Here’s the link to my webpage where you can find it. Just scroll down and you’ll see a link to get a free “peaceful angel meditation”.
I hope this helps. I would also suggest that you get on my mailing list, if you aren’t already, because I may offer a free gift to my subscribers from time to time.
I am a pranic healer and am working on the exact same lines. What I am struggling with at the moment is how to remove those ego blocks from others while healing them. Its all good in theory and works wonders if you understand it and work on it for yourself. But its very difficult to do the same for others while healing. Any insights you could share on this ? I have an understanding that ego centre is basically blocked due to our thoughts and emotions and it is preventing the divine energy from flowing in. This divine energy being non-imposing does not dissolve the impurities created by the ego centre. I tried visualising it that I am creating a space in the ego centre to allow divine energy to flow in to the body of the person being healed. Is there any thing else you could suggest ?