Many people work to survive and pay the bills, but don’t feel that their job is related to what they feel most called to do. This is largely the result of how we are educated. We are taught to pursue a good-paying career, with little thought of why we came to Earth and what our hearts are guiding us to do.
Society on Earth calls upon us to be workers for the betterment of that same society. This is fine, if you feel that this aligns with your higher calling in life. But for a lot of people, this is not the case. Instead, many people learn at an early age to squelch their hearts and their natural instincts in favor of doing something “safe”.
This path to safety is similar to living in a form of slavery. Your needs are provided for in exchange for your labor, your time, and doing what you’re told. It can also become like a prison because once you get in, it is mentally very difficult to get out.
And nowadays the safety factor doesn’t always apply because jobs are becoming increasingly scarce, and the competition is fierce. And even if you have a job, you don’t know if it will last. So let’s talk about how you can re-open the window of opportunity that you were born with, and make a transition to a new mindset that serves you!