Empower Your Prayers

November 8th, 2015 | 19 comments
Empower Your Prayers

Prayer is quite possibly the most effective and powerful thing that we can do. It represents our direct communication with the infinite. It is truly amazing that we naturally have this capability!

Prayer is also something that no one can take away from us. It represents our sacred, most intimate connection with the divine. And with that being the case, it is curious that we sometimes have so little faith that our prayers are being heard.

The issue is not with prayer. The issue is the context within which we pray. The way to empower your prayers is to change to a more empowered context. There are basically two possible contexts from which to pray. Let’s examine each of them, starting with looking at some of our collective false assumptions.

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The Trouble With Religion

May 10th, 2015 | 19 comments
The Trouble With Religion

There is much good to be derived from religious practices, where humility and love, plus acceptance and respect for others remain a central theme. Where this is the case, religions have no doubt done a great deal to contribute positive benefits to our civilized society. The problem arises, however, when religions take an imperialistic approach to all of humanity.

I do not claim to be a religious scholar, and frankly I wouldn’t want to be. Instead, I speak from my own observations and personal experiences. I would suggest that something becomes a religion any time there is an attempt to dogmatize a belief as the ultimate rendition of the truth, whether that something is related to lifestyle or spirituality. A key ingredient in this dogmatization is to deem everyone else on Earth to be wrong.

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Are You Bored?

March 22nd, 2015 | 21 comments
Are You Bored?

Life is a journey. What kind of journey is your life? Are you inspired, creative, and excited? Or are you bored because everything seems so routine and predictable? And finally, what makes the difference between these two experiences? It all has to do with the context that you establish for living.

There are two main ways to establish a context for life.The first way is to see life as a profound, unpredictable journey of evolution where you are divinely guided by a love that is bigger than yourself. This is the way of seeing life as a magical, mystical event that unfolds with the beauty of daily unexpected surprises. This is the way of curiosity, exploration, and feeling altogether conscious and alive! It is the way of miracles. In this context, you walk hand-in-hand with the Divine. You live a purposeful, exciting life as a co-creator with God.

The second way is to see life as a journey whereby you attempt to master the art of doing what you are supposed to do according to society and other people. Your goal is to please others and get as much positive feedback as you can. The only way you know that you are doing a good job is when other people tell you.

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Why I Hate The Food Chain

January 25th, 2015 | 42 comments
Why I Hate The Food Chain

I want to invite you to go to a place in your consciousness where you may have never ventured before. I want to suggest that you allow yourself to entertain ideas that perhaps never occurred to you and to question things that you didn’t know you were allowed to question.

Look at the pictures of these gorgeous animals above this writing. I want to point out their beauty and adorableness for a specific reason. That reason has to do with the food chain. The food chain, in my opinion, is entirely incongruent with the creation of such magnificence. And these photos represent only a tiny sample of the breathtaking beauty of all living things on our illustrious planet Earth. Contrast that beauty with the nature of the food chain.

The food chain is a very bizarre phenomenon where in order for something to live, something else must die. Eventually, literally every living thing must die in order to keep things in balance. So living things are killed and replaced through reproduction in this very delicate balance where one species is not allowed to overtake another. But more importantly, the food chain represents a situation where the death of one begets the life of another.

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