Don’t Skip this Step if You Want to Successfully Manifest!

June 14th, 2018 | 5 comments
Don’t Skip this Step if You Want to Successfully Manifest!

There is a certain, simple sequence of events that must take place in order to manifest anything in your physical reality. But sometimes we miss the most important step of all.

There are two parts to manifesting anything. The first part has to do with the inner work such as visualizing, choosing goals, journaling, etc.

The second part has to do with bringing your vision out into the physical world by creating physical evidence of its existence, and thereby bringing it into form.

In this video, I offer you a simple metaphor that you can use to see exactly where you are in your own personal process of manifestation.

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How to Live a Purposeful Life

May 25th, 2018 | 7 comments
How to Live a Purposeful Life

There are two ways to live life. One way is to live your life unconsciously, captured by your routines and patterns. The other way is to evolve and become more empowered by living a purposeful existence.

Living a purposeful life gives you a way out whenever you feel stuck or frustrated. It gives you a sense of direction when life becomes difficult. Let’s take a look at why this works.

There are two primary elements to our human “beingness”. The first is that we are creators by nature. We create all day long, whether that be in small ways in our everyday lives, or in huge ways like creating the human societies that we share on this planet.

The second element to our humanness is our innate desire to expand, move forward, and get better at whatever it is we do. This is why feeling stuck never feels good to us. We love the feeling of moving forward! If you doubt this, think about the last time you were stuck in traffic or forced to wait in line somewhere. I’ll bet you couldn’t wait to get out of that situation!

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The Power of Self-Awareness

November 19th, 2017 | 7 comments
The Power of Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is a major key to successfully creating what you want in your life and thus feeling fulfilled in your efforts. Without self-awareness, you are literally blind as to why things may not be working out in the way you had hoped. But with it, you can grow your experience of confidence and personal power in ways you never imagined!

When things don’t work out the way that we want, we usually look outside of ourselves for the answer. This is definitely important, but if you leave out your own awareness of self in the matter, you may never feel certain about what you should do next.

The self  that you are today directly influences your decisions and choices in life. It influences your actions or lack thereof. It ultimately influences your results. If you remain unaware of what is going on with that self, you are likely to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. You are much more likely to become discouraged and want to give up.

Nurturing self-awareness is like shining a light in a dark room, so you can see again.

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The 3 Keys to Manifestation

March 14th, 2017 | 7 comments
The 3 Keys to Manifestation

What is the one thing that everyone wants, above and beyond all else? We each want to be able to manifest the life that we truly want to live. That might involve big changes, or small changes. It doesn’t really matter. What matters is that we experience our power as creators to direct our consciousness into whatever manifestation we want to experience.

Why is it so difficult to manifest what we want on a conscious level? The truth is that we are manifesting all the time. But it is usually a random, unconscious affair over which we believe we have little or no control.

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Your Focus Determines Your Reality

January 22nd, 2017 | 20 comments
Your Focus Determines Your Reality

You can play a conscious role in determining your own experience of reality, or you can allow forces outside of yourself to decide for you. The first option takes effort and the second one will occur by default, if you do not make that effort.

We live in a peculiar world where it is easier to find ourselves in a painful situation than it is to live in a positive one. This has to do with the physics of our finite universe, which, as Telstar, we refer to as a reverse-flow of energy. Some in science may call this entropy.

Here are a couple of examples of what I mean: If you want to live in poverty, that’s easy. Simply make no effort at all, and you are likely to end up there. To be prosperous, on the other hand, takes a lot of focus and effort. If you want to be physically out of shape, that’s easy, too. Just sit around and do absolutely nothing active, and without expending any focus or energy, you will easily become weak and flabby. However, if you want to stay physically strong and vital, you will have to expend energy and make a focused effort.

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My Secret Recipe for Successful New Year’s Resolutions

December 28th, 2015 | 10 comments
My Secret Recipe for Successful New Year’s Resolutions

It’s so much fun to make New Year’s resolutions because it fills us with hope and a fresh sense of new beginnings. We just know that this will be the year that we finally reach our goals and do what we intend!

We enter the new year filled with fresh hope and optimism, and a belief that somehow this year will be different. But then something happens. Somehow January quickly fades into being just like all of the other months in the previous year. Our resolutions are soon forgotten, and we continue on with the same status quo experience, wondering why we continue to fail at this.

Is it that New Year’s resolutions don’t work? Or is it that we don’t know the best way to go about being successful in our intentions?

New Year’s resolutions can work just fine, but only if we add all the right ingredients. It’s like baking a cake. If you try to bake a cake with only one ingredient, your cake will fail. But if you add the right mix of ingredients, and do things in the right order, your cake will be a smashing success.

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How to Benefit from Failure

October 25th, 2015 | 15 comments
How to Benefit from Failure

A fear of failure is probably the single greatest reason why so many people do not pursue their dreams. Failure has been grossly mischaracterized as a bad thing, probably because of the way we were taught to avoid it in school.

This is not to say that one should not try to succeed. But it is important to realize that failure can serve as an irreplaceable asset on the road to success, if it is dealt with appropriately.

A fear of failure is tied to a fear of thinking creatively. Thinking creatively is always a wild card, when it comes to the status quo. Yet, creative thinking is the source of all of the greatest inventions and contributions to humankind throughout history.

To be paralyzed by a fear of failure is to avoid living up to your full potential. It is what makes life boring, routine, and dull. It is nearly impossible to expand as an individual and continue to harbor a false belief that failure should be avoided at all costs. To be ruled by the fear of failure means abandoning yourself as a creative individual.

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For the Happiest Life, Learn to be Authentic

September 27th, 2015 | 16 comments
For the Happiest Life, Learn to be Authentic

We are each born as totally authentic beings. Then something happens. From the time we are tiny, society starts telling us exactly how to think, what to believe, how to act, how to dress, etc.

These ideas are not offered as helpful suggestions. Rather they are introduced within a system of societal punishment and reward. You will be rewarded with society’s approval if you follow the status quo, and you might be ridiculed or ostracized if you don’t.

Some people are really good at fitting in. Others are not. But nonetheless, this is society’s stated goal: Fit in, or else.

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The Secret to Prosperity

February 22nd, 2015 | 21 comments
The Secret to Prosperity

Prosperity can include many things, but it is fundamentally a lifestyle and a mindset. Most people have prosperity associated with money. But thinking about money alone is never enough. If you see yourself as a poor person who is desperately in need of money, this is not likely to lead to a dramatic change in your situation. And feeling financially poor is relative. You could be making $100,000 a year and still be unable to pay your bills.

On the other hand, there are people making far less money than that who are perfectly content with their situation. It’s all about balance in your life and what is important to you. There are no rights or wrongs. It simply has to do with how you see things for yourself, and what kind of life you want to experience.

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Why Is Goal Setting Important To Planetary Evolution?

January 11th, 2015 | 15 comments
Why Is Goal Setting Important To Planetary Evolution?

There tends to be a very large division between how we perceive planetary evolution and how we think about our personal, daily lives. This is why planetary evolution generally remains on the level of fantasy rather than being treated as a practical reality that we can each participate in. Let’s talk about how we can bridge this gap and thus lend powerful purpose to our success as individuals.

The first order of business when it comes to planetary evolution is to determine who is responsible for it. Generally speaking, we humans like to leave this massive project up to God. We assume that we play little or no individual role when it comes to a subject of such vast proportions. With this belief, the best we can contribute as individuals is hope. We hope that somehow it all works out.

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