Focus on This First Step to Manifest What You Want

June 28th, 2018 | Comments Off on Focus on This First Step to Manifest What You Want
Focus on This First Step to Manifest What You Want

In order to manifest anything in your life, especially when it comes to big changes, it is most important to be clear about your destination. It’s not enough to be vague and general, such as saying “I want more money” or “I want a better relationship”. You need to have a clear, specific vision that you can focus on with your mind, your heart, and your energy.

This vision exists as an image of a goal that you can hold firmly in your mind’s eye. The nature of that goal is all important, because it can make the difference between your success or failure in reaching it.

When you choose a vision or a goal for your life, make sure that it aligns with you as a unique individual. Make sure that it aligns with your heart and with what you personally value. Here’s why this is important:

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How to Live a Purposeful Life

May 25th, 2018 | 7 comments
How to Live a Purposeful Life

There are two ways to live life. One way is to live your life unconsciously, captured by your routines and patterns. The other way is to evolve and become more empowered by living a purposeful existence.

Living a purposeful life gives you a way out whenever you feel stuck or frustrated. It gives you a sense of direction when life becomes difficult. Let’s take a look at why this works.

There are two primary elements to our human “beingness”. The first is that we are creators by nature. We create all day long, whether that be in small ways in our everyday lives, or in huge ways like creating the human societies that we share on this planet.

The second element to our humanness is our innate desire to expand, move forward, and get better at whatever it is we do. This is why feeling stuck never feels good to us. We love the feeling of moving forward! If you doubt this, think about the last time you were stuck in traffic or forced to wait in line somewhere. I’ll bet you couldn’t wait to get out of that situation!

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The Power of Self-Awareness

November 19th, 2017 | 7 comments
The Power of Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is a major key to successfully creating what you want in your life and thus feeling fulfilled in your efforts. Without self-awareness, you are literally blind as to why things may not be working out in the way you had hoped. But with it, you can grow your experience of confidence and personal power in ways you never imagined!

When things don’t work out the way that we want, we usually look outside of ourselves for the answer. This is definitely important, but if you leave out your own awareness of self in the matter, you may never feel certain about what you should do next.

The self  that you are today directly influences your decisions and choices in life. It influences your actions or lack thereof. It ultimately influences your results. If you remain unaware of what is going on with that self, you are likely to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. You are much more likely to become discouraged and want to give up.

Nurturing self-awareness is like shining a light in a dark room, so you can see again.

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The 3 Keys to Manifestation

March 14th, 2017 | 7 comments
The 3 Keys to Manifestation

What is the one thing that everyone wants, above and beyond all else? We each want to be able to manifest the life that we truly want to live. That might involve big changes, or small changes. It doesn’t really matter. What matters is that we experience our power as creators to direct our consciousness into whatever manifestation we want to experience.

Why is it so difficult to manifest what we want on a conscious level? The truth is that we are manifesting all the time. But it is usually a random, unconscious affair over which we believe we have little or no control.

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To Feel Beautiful, You Must be Connected to Nature

February 26th, 2017 | 25 comments
To Feel Beautiful, You Must be Connected to Nature

Technology has in many ways convinced us that we don’t really need nature, except on special occasions. But what have we lost as individuals by inadvertently believing this? If nature is last on the list of our individual priorities in life, then we are on a path of diminishing the pure essence that makes us special as human beings.

You see, we are completely, wholly, and totally a part of the natural world. We are an integral part of a massive ecosystem of life, that includes stars, planets, galaxies, and beyond. How strange it is that we find it acceptable to erase the beauty of nature from our personal lives.

I’m sure that you are already well aware of the beauty of the outside world of nature, such as what can be found in the kingdoms of mountains, lakes, forests, oceans, and the beautiful sky overhead.

But what about the beauty of you in your natural state? And what happens if you choose to disregard that beauty?

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Your Focus Determines Your Reality

January 22nd, 2017 | 20 comments
Your Focus Determines Your Reality

You can play a conscious role in determining your own experience of reality, or you can allow forces outside of yourself to decide for you. The first option takes effort and the second one will occur by default, if you do not make that effort.

We live in a peculiar world where it is easier to find ourselves in a painful situation than it is to live in a positive one. This has to do with the physics of our finite universe, which, as Telstar, we refer to as a reverse-flow of energy. Some in science may call this entropy.

Here are a couple of examples of what I mean: If you want to live in poverty, that’s easy. Simply make no effort at all, and you are likely to end up there. To be prosperous, on the other hand, takes a lot of focus and effort. If you want to be physically out of shape, that’s easy, too. Just sit around and do absolutely nothing active, and without expending any focus or energy, you will easily become weak and flabby. However, if you want to stay physically strong and vital, you will have to expend energy and make a focused effort.

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A Simple Way to Understand Life!

January 8th, 2017 | 37 comments
A Simple Way to Understand Life!

How much time do you spend trying to understand your life? Sometimes it seems like we are put here with a host of problems and no instructions about how to solve them. Wouldn’t it be great if a simple paradigm shift could clear your mind and show you the best way forward? The good news is that there is such a shift, and I’m going to show you exactly how to make that happen.

A paradigm refers to your view or perception of reality. It’s how you see the world. We tend to think that what we see is the way that it actually is. But what we see is actually just a product of what we believe. We usually see only that which reinforces our belief. Anything else is likely to be blocked out. So if we feel trapped by our outer circumstances, the reality is that the trap is mostly inside our minds.

Imagine this. Imagine that you are in a big, wide world filled with endless possibilities. You can literally do almost anything you want, by learning how to do it and then taking action. You are a creator, an infinite being living in a body, who can survey the world and make whatever creative choices you wish. This is what life looks like when you remember who you are.

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How to Banish Worry from Your Life

October 23rd, 2016 | 16 comments
How to Banish Worry from Your Life

Worry isn’t fun, is it? Imagine how different your life would be if worry did not exist. Your thinking would be clear, decisions would be easier, and you would be much more productive. You would be relaxed and healthier. And you would certainly smile a lot more, with an enhanced ability to enjoy life!

Many of us believe that our worries would go away if only things outside of us would change for the better. Surely if our circumstances improved, or that certain family member would change his or her behavior, then we could stop worrying. Or maybe if world events changed for the better, then we could end our personal stream of anxiety.

The only problem with these ideas is that many of these circumstances are beyond our control. We may have some influence, but the final outcomes are likely due to a combination of other things as well.

The best way to deal with worry is to realize that you do not need it in order to solve your problems. In fact, worry is likely to stand in the way of your ability to find the very solutions you are looking for.

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How Much Do You Love Yourself?

October 9th, 2016 | 16 comments
How Much Do You Love Yourself?

We hear a lot about loving other people, but many don’t realize that this starts with loving yourself. How you feel about yourself plays a very large role in your ability to love others. It also plays a huge role in your ability to function effectively as a creator in your life.

Let’s look at a simple analogy to understand this more clearly. If you buy a plant that you love, you will likely take very good care of it. Because you enjoy its presence, you will probably be inspired to do whatever it takes to enhance that presence. You will be attentive to its needs, water it, feed it, and make sure that it has exactly the right amount of light. You will also freely open your heart to appreciating it, which will inspire you to continue caring for it.

This is not very different from what you will do if you love yourself. Granted, loving yourself as a human being is far more complex than loving a plant. But the principle is the same.

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Creativity Puts You in Control of Your Life

July 25th, 2016 | 9 comments
Creativity Puts You in Control of Your Life

Creativity is perhaps the single most important capability that you possess as a human being. Unfortunately, in our society, the idea of it has been reduced to such a level of insignificance, that many people have dismissed it as something recreational and entirely optional.

Creativity is not arts and crafts. Nor is it music, dance, or any of the other fine arts. Those things are merely expressions of our creative power. Such things are important in their own right, but we should never limit ourselves to the idea that this is all there is to it.

The word creativity stems from the word creator. At its highest level, creator refers to what we call God. Since we are the intelligent extensions of that which has created us, we, too, are creators. Creation is the outcome of that which creates. Because we are creators, we are also meant to create. We are meant to consciously create the outcomes in our lives.

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