How to Banish Worry from Your Life

October 23rd, 2016 | 16 comments
How to Banish Worry from Your Life

Worry isn’t fun, is it? Imagine how different your life would be if worry did not exist. Your thinking would be clear, decisions would be easier, and you would be much more productive. You would be relaxed and healthier. And you would certainly smile a lot more, with an enhanced ability to enjoy life!

Many of us believe that our worries would go away if only things outside of us would change for the better. Surely if our circumstances improved, or that certain family member would change his or her behavior, then we could stop worrying. Or maybe if world events changed for the better, then we could end our personal stream of anxiety.

The only problem with these ideas is that many of these circumstances are beyond our control. We may have some influence, but the final outcomes are likely due to a combination of other things as well.

The best way to deal with worry is to realize that you do not need it in order to solve your problems. In fact, worry is likely to stand in the way of your ability to find the very solutions you are looking for.

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How the Ego Affects Your Flow of Divine Energy

August 21st, 2016 | 24 comments
How the Ego Affects Your Flow of Divine Energy

We are each made to experience a continuous flow of divine energy throughout our being. This energy supports us, sustains us, and provides us with an ongoing sense of inner peace and clarity of mind. The beauty of this divine force of energy and love is that it perfectly matches the individuality of each person’s unique, divine expression and personality.

So all would be well in our lives if this beautiful flow of energy and love were to remain uninterrupted. But with the ego around, that is not the case. The ego literally acts as an interrupter to this amazing energetic flow of divinity.

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Why Age Shouldn’t Matter

April 10th, 2016 | 21 comments
Why Age Shouldn’t Matter

From the day we are born, we are tracked by our age. Throughout childhood, our viability as human beings is measured by what we do and when we do it. This measuring stick follows us through our entire lives, as some sort of ominous dictator that shadows our every move.

At the beginning of my work with Telstar, I was offered this one simple piece of advice: “The best thing you can do for yourself is to forget how old you are.” I immediately saw the wisdom in this simple suggestion, and it worked incredibly well until I had two children. It starts at conception with questions from perfect strangers like, “How far along are you?” and “When is your baby due?”

It’s like we can’t figure out how to place the child without knowing its age, even before it leaves the womb!

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Create an Oasis of Peace

March 27th, 2016 | 14 comments
Create an Oasis of Peace

Have you noticed how much turmoil our world is in right now? Although you may not be directly affected by this, you can still be energetically affected nonetheless. In the same way that we all share the same physical atmosphere of air to breathe, we likewise share a global atmosphere of energy and consciousness.

For this reason, it is so important that you create some space for yourself that holds a sense of peace for you, within that larger global atmosphere. It’s important to feel some sense of command over the energetic atmosphere that you personally live within.

The reason this matters is because if you don’t provide yourself with that space, you may find yourself experiencing symptoms of stress that come with your deeper self sensing all of this turmoil. Your intuitive self will feel it, even if your conscious mind doesn’t know what it’s all about.

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Be a Creator Instead of a Victim

July 12th, 2015 | 17 comments
Be a Creator Instead of a Victim

There are two main platforms upon which to live your life. The one you choose will determine whether you are happy or sad, fulfilled or unfulfilled, successful or unsuccessful. One is the platform of a creator and the other is the platform of a victim.

There are certain simple laws of physics that correspond to each of these platforms. They have to do with which direction your energy flows. On the platform of a creator, your energy is sourced from within you and flows outward to enable you to create your world. You decide what happens to you and what you experience.

The platform of a victim is very different. If you live on this platform, the physics of your energy will change dramatically. You will be randomly bombarded with the energy from the world around you. In this case, that same outside energy will determine your inner experience.

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How To Cope With Bad News in the World

September 4th, 2014 | 25 comments
How To Cope With Bad News in the World

Let’s face it. The news media will never be the bearer of good news. Think of the news media as a basket that is delivered each day to your front door. It would be nice if that basket contained all sorts of lovely things to brighten your day, give you hope, and make you feel better, wouldn’t it? Unfortunately, that is not the case. Instead, that basket usually contains the equivalent of horrible things that are dark and dirty. It contains all the evidence that can be found of the absolute worst side of humanity. Yay! Isn’t that just what you wanted to know? Don’t you just wake up every morning excited to get out of bed, because you can’t wait to find out what horrible new things human beings have done to ruin themselves and the planet?

It is a well known fact that whatever occupies your thoughts contributes to how you see yourself and the world around you. In order to comprehend whatever you are reading or watching, it must enter your conscious experience, and therefore become a part of your thinking. Headlines in the news media generally scream for your attention. Those headlines beg you to open the articles and read or watch every horrible detail that can be presented. Because the news cycle is 24/7, those details and images will be repeated over and over again. If you continue to take them in, they will eventually fill your mind, leaving no room for beautiful ideas. The fear and anxiety generated by all the bad news can overwhelm your thinking, and thereby create a negative filter through which you may then view your entire life.

The world is obviously a very unstable place. Most of the events are out of the control of any one individual. If we position ourselves to require that such world events are stabilized, in order for us to feel stable as individuals, we could have a long wait indeed. So rather than being overwhelmed by such events, why don’t we take a different approach that empowers us right now?

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