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Tag: mindfulness

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  1. success and motivation

    The Power of Self-Awareness

    Self-awareness is a major key to successfully creating what you want in your life and thus feeling fulfilled in your efforts. Without self-awareness, you are literally blind as to why things may not be working out in the way you had hoped. But with it, you can grow your experience of confidence and personal power […]

  2. Inner Peace

    Why You Need Inner Peace

    Inner peace is a deep human need, just like air, water, love, and sunshine. The trouble is that even though we want it, we live as though we can do without it because we can still survive physically even when we are in serious states of chronic stress. But inner peace does not show up […]

  3. Mindfulness

    Don’t Let Others Steal Your Power

    I would like to address two groups of people. And even if you do not consider yourself to be a part of these groups, there are still some great tips here for you, as well. The first group consists of those who are angry and upset about politics and social matters, no matter which side […]

  4. Fairies and Nature

    To Feel Beautiful, You Must be Connected to Nature

    Technology has in many ways convinced us that we don’t really need nature, except on special occasions. But what have we lost as individuals by inadvertently believing this? If nature is last on the list of our individual priorities in life, then we are on a path of diminishing the pure essence that makes us […]

  5. Lightworkers

    Be a Lightworker!

    The world needs Light and stability right now. We can sit back and wait for this to happen all by itself, or we can play a conscious role in contributing positive energy into our collective situation. It’s a common human habit to always assume that someone else (even God) will ultimately take care of things. […]

  6. A Simple Way to Understand Life

    Higher Self

    A Simple Way to Understand Life!

    How much time do you spend trying to understand your life? Sometimes it seems like we are put here with a host of problems and no instructions about how to solve them. Wouldn’t it be great if a simple paradigm shift could clear your mind and show you the best way forward? The good news […]

  7. Technology

    Don’t Let Technology Diminish Your Humanity

    Our humanity is a powerful thing. We are creative, spiritual beings whose highest essence is that of Light and Divine Love. We are essentially agents of the Heart. We are at our best when we love ourselves, each other, and all of life. Technology, on the other hand, is cold and without feeling. It is […]

  8. how to banish worry from your life

    Inner Peace

    How to Banish Worry from Your Life

    Worry isn’t fun, is it? Imagine how different your life would be if worry did not exist. Your thinking would be clear, decisions would be easier, and you would be much more productive. You would be relaxed and healthier. And you would certainly smile a lot more, with an enhanced ability to enjoy life! Many […]

  9. Personal Development

    How Much Do You Love Yourself?

    We hear a lot about loving other people, but many don’t realize that this starts with loving yourself. How you feel about yourself plays a very large role in your ability to love others. It also plays a huge role in your ability to function effectively as a creator in your life. Let’s look at […]

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