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Tag: self-expression

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  1. How to live a purposeful life

    Life Purpose

    How to Live a Purposeful Life

    There are two ways to live life. One way is to live your life unconsciously, captured by your routines and patterns. The other way is to evolve and become more empowered by living a purposeful existence. Living a purposeful life gives you a way out whenever you feel stuck or frustrated. It gives you a […]

  2. Fairies and Nature

    To Feel Beautiful, You Must be Connected to Nature

    Technology has in many ways convinced us that we don’t really need nature, except on special occasions. But what have we lost as individuals by inadvertently believing this? If nature is last on the list of our individual priorities in life, then we are on a path of diminishing the pure essence that makes us […]

  3. creativity for personal empowerment


    Creativity Puts You in Control of Your Life

    Creativity is perhaps the single most important capability that you possess as a human being. Unfortunately, in our society, the idea of it has been reduced to such a level of insignificance, that many people have dismissed it as something recreational and entirely optional. Creativity is not arts and crafts. Nor is it music, dance, […]

  4. Personal Development

    The 3 Fastest Ways to Make Positive Changes

    Why does it seem so difficult to make positive changes in our lives? You would think it should be the easiest thing in the world because it is obviously so desirable. Yet it can be utterly vexing to watch ourselves try over and over again, only to revert back to previous unwanted results. The main […]

  5. The Lightworkers Path: There are three levels of life purpose related to being a lightworker.


    The Lightworker’s Path

    The terms lightworker and life purpose are intimately woven together. Understanding the meaning of the word lightworker can help you to unlock the secrets of your life’s purpose. It can also bring great advantages in living the most fulfilling life that you can. In its simplest form, you could say that a lightworker is a […]

  6. A beautiful, elegant flower arrangement illustrates the effect of beauty on our experience.

    Personal Development

    Why is Beauty Important?

    In order to understand the importance of beauty, we must first define what beauty is. In short, beauty is the manifestation of love in form. There are many subjective forms of beauty, but none of those definitions reach the core truth of what beauty really is and why it should matter to us. In fact, […]

  7. happy person basking joyfully in colored light rays

    Personal Development

    For the Happiest Life, Learn to be Authentic

    We are each born as totally authentic beings. Then something happens. From the time we are tiny, society starts telling us exactly how to think, what to believe, how to act, how to dress, etc. These ideas are not offered as helpful suggestions. Rather they are introduced within a system of societal punishment and reward. […]

  8. woman in field

    Personal Development

    The Power of Being Yourself

    Have you ever felt discouraged, tired, and run-down when trying to produce positive change in your life? You might be overlooking the single, most important thing that you need to have the courage and energy to accomplish the changes you want. It’s called the power to be yourself. This power is something that we are […]

  9. Personal Development

    Are You Bored?

    Life is a journey. What kind of journey is your life? Are you inspired, creative, and excited? Or are you bored because everything seems so routine and predictable? And finally, what makes the difference between these two experiences? It all has to do with the context that you establish for living. There are two main […]

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