Why You Need Inner Peace

April 9th, 2017 | 15 comments
Why You Need Inner Peace

Inner peace is a deep human need, just like air, water, love, and sunshine. The trouble is that even though we want it, we live as though we can do without it because we can still survive physically even when we are in serious states of chronic stress.

But inner peace does not show up automatically, just like food on our plate will not show up unless we do something about it. So it’s important to think carefully about what we can do to create this much-needed experience for ourselves.

Firstly, let’s dispel some of the myths about inner peace, so we can focus on how to make peace a regular experience in our lives.

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Don’t Let Others Steal Your Power

March 26th, 2017 | 30 comments
Don’t Let Others Steal Your Power

I would like to address two groups of people. And even if you do not consider yourself to be a part of these groups, there are still some great tips here for you, as well.

The first group consists of those who are angry and upset about politics and social matters, no matter which side you are on. The second group consists of the group of young people and college students who are highly reactive and looking for safe spaces to avoid feeling “triggered”.

What do both of these groups have in common? Extreme levels of feeling reactive to the outside world. I do not need to address the things you are reacting to. You already know about that. What I want to address is how being extremely reactive affects you personally in a negative way, and how you can deal with the things that bother you in a much more empowered way.

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How to Stay Happy, Peaceful, and Grounded through the Holidays

December 11th, 2016 | 14 comments
How to Stay Happy, Peaceful, and Grounded through the Holidays

Christmas and the holiday season can be a time of great joy, great stress, or a combination of both. For many people it consists of a roller coaster of emotions and the upheaval of everyday routines. But the idea is that this is supposed to be a time of happiness and celebration, so let’s talk about how best to keep the experience entirely positive.

I’m going to focus on Christmas, but you can apply this to any holiday, no matter what you are celebrating. How can we truly enjoy ourselves and benefit from this magical time of year, with as little stress as possible?

I’m going to divide this into six possible situations, and then offer ideas and suggestions to improve each one of them. Of course, you are free to mix and match any of these suggestions, according to what works best for you.

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The Ego vs. Your True Self

May 8th, 2016 | 19 comments
The Ego vs. Your True Self

Lately I have noticed that some people are promoting the idea that the ego is your friend. According to some, we can make friends with our egos, work with them, and have a much better life. Really? Wow! Let’s examine this idea more closely.

Firstly, we must identify what the ego is. And we know for a fact that it is not divine, nor is it a product of our highest self. How do we know this? Because the ego never speaks from love. The fundamental matrix upon which the ego bases all of its logic is mathematical. It is ultimately sourced in division. The ego thrives in the duality of contrast, in the form of this or that, right or wrong, and good or bad.

The next thing that we must note about the ego is that it is fundamentally negative. Even if it says something good about you, it will always be at the expense of someone else. The ego never says anything that can stand on its own as a self-sustaining truth. It must point out a contrast somewhere about everything it says.

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3 Simple Ways to Meditate

January 10th, 2016 | 14 comments
3 Simple Ways to Meditate

One of the most important things we can do for ourselves is daily meditation. Meditation is when we set aside sacred time to fill our hearts and feed our souls. It’s also the best way to get centered with a clear mind before we start our day. But before we discuss the “how” of meditation, let’s discuss the “why”.

The way that you start your day will dramatically affect the way that your day turns out. If you start the day in a frantic, rushed, unconscious manner, the rest of your day can unfold in an equally stressful way.

On the other hand, if you start your day in a calm, centered fashion, you are much more likely to be able to maintain that center throughout the day.

Think of it this way. When you get up in the morning, you set up a trajectory of consciousness, based on your state of mind. Your energy, thoughts, and emotions are likely to follow that trajectory. It’s like throwing a ball. Wherever you aim the ball when you exert that energy, the ball will definitely follow that path.

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How to Tune into Angelic Protection

December 13th, 2015 | 24 comments
How to Tune into Angelic Protection

Due to recent events occurring in the world, there appears to be a great deal of fear and anxiety related to safety concerns these days. So I want to share with you some ways that you can ease those feelings by tuning into the peaceful angelic protection that is always available to you.

Our guardian angels are always with us, but it is also extremely helpful to ask for their assistance when we desire it. Our angels always respect our free will, above and beyond all else, and will not interfere with the choices we make. So communicating when we want their help signals to them that our request is a conscious choice.

You don’t have to be able to see or hear your angels to make this request. They are always able to see and hear you just fine, regardless. All you have to do is be focused and clear that you would like to receive angelic protection in whatever situation you are concerned about.

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Empower Your Prayers

November 8th, 2015 | 19 comments
Empower Your Prayers

Prayer is quite possibly the most effective and powerful thing that we can do. It represents our direct communication with the infinite. It is truly amazing that we naturally have this capability!

Prayer is also something that no one can take away from us. It represents our sacred, most intimate connection with the divine. And with that being the case, it is curious that we sometimes have so little faith that our prayers are being heard.

The issue is not with prayer. The issue is the context within which we pray. The way to empower your prayers is to change to a more empowered context. There are basically two possible contexts from which to pray. Let’s examine each of them, starting with looking at some of our collective false assumptions.

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5 Steps to Stay Centered in an Anxious World

September 13th, 2015 | 38 comments
5 Steps to Stay Centered in an Anxious World

There is a tremendous amount of collective anxiety in our world today. Even if things that are wrong on a massive scale don’t affect you directly, you will still feel the energetic weight of these occurrences. You will also feel the collective state of human anxiety on an energetic level.

So let’s discuss some steps to mitigate such influences. That way we can each act as a stabilizing force of energy in the world, plus preserve our own inner peace. And even though human society appears to be breaking down in many parts of the world, we can still find ways to live our individual lives in a grounded, focused, and personally harmonious way.

The way to do this is exceedingly practical. It involves doing some simple things related to how you view your life overall, and how you take command of your inner world, along with your outer, circumstantial world.

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The Single, Most Powerful Thing You Can Do

February 8th, 2015 | 24 comments
The Single, Most Powerful Thing You Can Do

As human beings, we naturally strive to improve ourselves and our world. However our efforts can often seem fragmented and confusing, even to ourselves. We tend to look at everything as the sum of the parts. In other words, we believe that if we can assemble enough good efforts, it will eventually add up to a positive personal change or a change in our world.

This often does not work out well because there are so many unexpected things that get in the way. In addition, we have certain habits that are not inclined to disappear easily. It is all too easy to become confused and want to give up. Let’s see if we can consolidate our efforts into a one-pointed focus of energy and receive far more powerful results.

We are fundamentally infinite beings of light. We are love at our core. This truth tends to get broken up as it is filtered through our fragmented perception of ourselves as separate individuals who experience limitation and incongruence in nearly every area of life. We tend to see ourselves as the sum of our many parts. Those parts may consist of our physical, mental, and emotional selves. They consist of our past, our perceived future, and what we believe everyone else thinks of us. They consist of what we think of ourselves.

These parts also consist of our accomplishments, our failures, our possessions, and our relationships. They consist of our likes and our dislikes. They consist of what we think about others, our judgements, our personal weaknesses, and our strengths. And then there are the countless smaller issues that branch off from each of these larger parts. No wonder life can be so confusing. It seems like it would take a master organizer to figure all of this out!

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What To Do When The World Seems Unstable

October 13th, 2014 | 21 comments
What To Do When The World Seems Unstable

These days it seems like the world can be an incredibly unstable place. It is so important not to let events that seem out of control completely take over our consciousness. This is a case where it is helpful for each of us to remember that we are individuals. There is so much that could be said here, but let me start with a paradigm shift. First of all, we are all infinite beings. That is not philosophy. It is indelible fact. We might be living in finite bodies, but each of us knows that we have no beginning and no end. This is, of course, why we naturally want to live forever. This is why we never run out of desire to go on and on and on with our lives.

So knowing this fact, it behooves us to take the truth of who we are into account when we find ourselves dealing with world events that seem to destabilize all of our lives. We stand on absolutely firm footing when we come from our infinite selves. We can take our physical lives into account by being completely centered in this fact. That is the place from which to start. If you doubt that you are an infinite being, you have only to be honest about your experience to know this for yourself. Look in the mirror. Look into your own eyes. Accept the fact that what you see there is eternal youth and eternal potentiality. There is simply no end to all of the things that you would love to do!

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