How to Stay Happy, Peaceful, and Grounded through the Holidays

December 11th, 2016 | 14 comments
How to Stay Happy, Peaceful, and Grounded through the Holidays

Christmas and the holiday season can be a time of great joy, great stress, or a combination of both. For many people it consists of a roller coaster of emotions and the upheaval of everyday routines. But the idea is that this is supposed to be a time of happiness and celebration, so let’s talk about how best to keep the experience entirely positive.

I’m going to focus on Christmas, but you can apply this to any holiday, no matter what you are celebrating. How can we truly enjoy ourselves and benefit from this magical time of year, with as little stress as possible?

I’m going to divide this into six possible situations, and then offer ideas and suggestions to improve each one of them. Of course, you are free to mix and match any of these suggestions, according to what works best for you.

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Don’t Let Technology Diminish Your Humanity

November 27th, 2016 | 4 comments
Don’t Let Technology Diminish Your Humanity

Our humanity is a powerful thing. We are creative, spiritual beings whose highest essence is that of Light and Divine Love. We are essentially agents of the Heart. We are at our best when we love ourselves, each other, and all of life.

Technology, on the other hand, is cold and without feeling. It is a mimicker and an accelerator. By its own nature, it does not connect with our hearts and our spirituality. We are thus obliged to find a healthy balance in living with this alien force that is so intertwined in our lives.

I refer to our current fast-evolving technology as alien because it does not connect with nature or with our higher selves. It exists as an interloping foreigner that must be kept in perspective, and whose influence must be tamed in our everyday lives.

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How to Banish Worry from Your Life

October 23rd, 2016 | 16 comments
How to Banish Worry from Your Life

Worry isn’t fun, is it? Imagine how different your life would be if worry did not exist. Your thinking would be clear, decisions would be easier, and you would be much more productive. You would be relaxed and healthier. And you would certainly smile a lot more, with an enhanced ability to enjoy life!

Many of us believe that our worries would go away if only things outside of us would change for the better. Surely if our circumstances improved, or that certain family member would change his or her behavior, then we could stop worrying. Or maybe if world events changed for the better, then we could end our personal stream of anxiety.

The only problem with these ideas is that many of these circumstances are beyond our control. We may have some influence, but the final outcomes are likely due to a combination of other things as well.

The best way to deal with worry is to realize that you do not need it in order to solve your problems. In fact, worry is likely to stand in the way of your ability to find the very solutions you are looking for.

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How Much Do You Love Yourself?

October 9th, 2016 | 16 comments
How Much Do You Love Yourself?

We hear a lot about loving other people, but many don’t realize that this starts with loving yourself. How you feel about yourself plays a very large role in your ability to love others. It also plays a huge role in your ability to function effectively as a creator in your life.

Let’s look at a simple analogy to understand this more clearly. If you buy a plant that you love, you will likely take very good care of it. Because you enjoy its presence, you will probably be inspired to do whatever it takes to enhance that presence. You will be attentive to its needs, water it, feed it, and make sure that it has exactly the right amount of light. You will also freely open your heart to appreciating it, which will inspire you to continue caring for it.

This is not very different from what you will do if you love yourself. Granted, loving yourself as a human being is far more complex than loving a plant. But the principle is the same.

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Powerful Angels Are With You

September 26th, 2016 | 31 comments
Powerful Angels Are With You

Life on Earth can sometimes cause us to feel rather alone, especially when it comes to the deep spirituality of our inner beings. This is because we live in a duality where each thing is identified by its separation from all other things. At its most extreme level, this condition causes us to perceive that we are even separated from God. Fortunately, this separation is just an illusion, and angels are there to act as our bridge to the Divine when we forget who we really are.

The word “angel” literally means messenger from God. In its purest form, the word angel refers to celestial beings of the highest light and love, who can exert a powerful, positive influence in our lives if we feel inclined to ask for their help.

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How the Ego Affects Your Flow of Divine Energy

August 21st, 2016 | 24 comments
How the Ego Affects Your Flow of Divine Energy

We are each made to experience a continuous flow of divine energy throughout our being. This energy supports us, sustains us, and provides us with an ongoing sense of inner peace and clarity of mind. The beauty of this divine force of energy and love is that it perfectly matches the individuality of each person’s unique, divine expression and personality.

So all would be well in our lives if this beautiful flow of energy and love were to remain uninterrupted. But with the ego around, that is not the case. The ego literally acts as an interrupter to this amazing energetic flow of divinity.

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Creativity Puts You in Control of Your Life

July 25th, 2016 | 9 comments
Creativity Puts You in Control of Your Life

Creativity is perhaps the single most important capability that you possess as a human being. Unfortunately, in our society, the idea of it has been reduced to such a level of insignificance, that many people have dismissed it as something recreational and entirely optional.

Creativity is not arts and crafts. Nor is it music, dance, or any of the other fine arts. Those things are merely expressions of our creative power. Such things are important in their own right, but we should never limit ourselves to the idea that this is all there is to it.

The word creativity stems from the word creator. At its highest level, creator refers to what we call God. Since we are the intelligent extensions of that which has created us, we, too, are creators. Creation is the outcome of that which creates. Because we are creators, we are also meant to create. We are meant to consciously create the outcomes in our lives.

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Why It’s Important to Live from Your Heart

July 11th, 2016 | 23 comments
Why It’s Important to Live from Your Heart

Our world is becoming increasingly violent and chaotic every day. This is a worldwide phenomenon, and not limited to any single area on the planet. It is time to discuss our evolution in a more advanced, mature light.

Occasionally I hear from people who say things like, “Well, obviously God and the angels aren’t helping us, or this place wouldn’t be such a mess.” Although I can sympathize with why they might feel this way, I think it illustrates the fact that we are not getting to the bottom line of what is really going on here.

In fact, in some ways, these people have a point — although it’s not the point they may think. Perhaps we need to take a different view and ask ourselves why it appears that the necessary help is not forthcoming. In fact, if our beliefs accurately illustrate how things are supposed to work out, then why have one more second of pain anywhere on this planet? After all, what is God waiting for, for heaven’s sake?

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How to Transition from a Job to Your Life’s Purpose

June 12th, 2016 | 9 comments
How to Transition from a Job to Your Life’s Purpose

Many people work to survive and pay the bills, but don’t feel that their job is related to what they feel most called to do. This is largely the result of how we are educated. We are taught to pursue a good-paying career, with little thought of why we came to Earth and what our hearts are guiding us to do.

Society on Earth calls upon us to be workers for the betterment of that same society. This is fine, if you feel that this aligns with your higher calling in life. But for a lot of people, this is not the case. Instead, many people learn at an early age to squelch their hearts and their natural instincts in favor of doing something “safe”.

This path to safety is similar to living in a form of slavery. Your needs are provided for in exchange for your labor, your time, and doing what you’re told. It can also become like a prison because once you get in, it is mentally very difficult to get out.

And nowadays the safety factor doesn’t always apply because jobs are becoming increasingly scarce, and the competition is fierce. And even if you have a job, you don’t know if it will last. So let’s talk about how you can re-open the window of opportunity that you were born with, and make a transition to a new mindset that serves you!

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How to Connect with the Fairies

May 23rd, 2016 | 26 comments
How to Connect with the Fairies

You have probably felt fairy energy many times before, and just didn’t realize it. It’s that magical feeling when you walk through a quiet forest and hear only the melody of nature’s sounds. It’s the sparkling, enlivened energy that you feel when you sit by a brook, or the joyful experience of walking among fresh wild flowers growing in a meadow.

Fairies are everywhere in nature, and are an essential component of the health of our planet and the universe. They are nature’s angels who watch over and guide plants, animals, birds, and all of the natural elements. Sometimes fairies can even act as guides for humans. Especially if those human beings are deeply connected to and respectful of nature.

Fairies are elemental beings of light who are much closer to the physical world than angels. This is why they can sometimes display physical evidence of their energy. Their bodies are of a higher vibrational energy than purely physical beings, but they can sometimes shape-shift into a visible presence for those who are gentle, sincere, and respectful of them and their important role in nature.

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