The Ego vs. Your True Self

May 8th, 2016 | 19 comments
The Ego vs. Your True Self

Lately I have noticed that some people are promoting the idea that the ego is your friend. According to some, we can make friends with our egos, work with them, and have a much better life. Really? Wow! Let’s examine this idea more closely.

Firstly, we must identify what the ego is. And we know for a fact that it is not divine, nor is it a product of our highest self. How do we know this? Because the ego never speaks from love. The fundamental matrix upon which the ego bases all of its logic is mathematical. It is ultimately sourced in division. The ego thrives in the duality of contrast, in the form of this or that, right or wrong, and good or bad.

The next thing that we must note about the ego is that it is fundamentally negative. Even if it says something good about you, it will always be at the expense of someone else. The ego never says anything that can stand on its own as a self-sustaining truth. It must point out a contrast somewhere about everything it says.

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The 3 Fastest Ways to Make Positive Changes

April 24th, 2016 | 10 comments
The 3 Fastest Ways to Make Positive Changes

Why does it seem so difficult to make positive changes in our lives? You would think it should be the easiest thing in the world because it is obviously so desirable. Yet it can be utterly vexing to watch ourselves try over and over again, only to revert back to previous unwanted results.

The main reason that our efforts are so often futile is because we look for the signs of change on the outside, and forget to consider what is going on inside of our own consciousness. We measure our ability to affect positive change by the results we have seen so far in our lives. If we witness the same repetitive results, we simply decide that we are just not capable.

This is like forgetting to put gas and oil in your car, and then deciding that the car is inherently incapable of running. In that case, you will probably give up on the car. This is a simple metaphor for how we give up on ourselves. Maybe the only problem is that we forgot to consider a few very important things!

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Why Age Shouldn’t Matter

April 10th, 2016 | 21 comments
Why Age Shouldn’t Matter

From the day we are born, we are tracked by our age. Throughout childhood, our viability as human beings is measured by what we do and when we do it. This measuring stick follows us through our entire lives, as some sort of ominous dictator that shadows our every move.

At the beginning of my work with Telstar, I was offered this one simple piece of advice: “The best thing you can do for yourself is to forget how old you are.” I immediately saw the wisdom in this simple suggestion, and it worked incredibly well until I had two children. It starts at conception with questions from perfect strangers like, “How far along are you?” and “When is your baby due?”

It’s like we can’t figure out how to place the child without knowing its age, even before it leaves the womb!

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Create an Oasis of Peace

March 27th, 2016 | 14 comments
Create an Oasis of Peace

Have you noticed how much turmoil our world is in right now? Although you may not be directly affected by this, you can still be energetically affected nonetheless. In the same way that we all share the same physical atmosphere of air to breathe, we likewise share a global atmosphere of energy and consciousness.

For this reason, it is so important that you create some space for yourself that holds a sense of peace for you, within that larger global atmosphere. It’s important to feel some sense of command over the energetic atmosphere that you personally live within.

The reason this matters is because if you don’t provide yourself with that space, you may find yourself experiencing symptoms of stress that come with your deeper self sensing all of this turmoil. Your intuitive self will feel it, even if your conscious mind doesn’t know what it’s all about.

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The Power of Gratitude

March 13th, 2016 | 22 comments
The Power of Gratitude

We often think of gratitude as a nice thing to feel because it’s always good to appreciate things. But there is a power that underlies gratitude that affects the very fabric of our entire life’s experience.

The deepest form of gratitude is directly connected to our experience of time and our ability to live in the now. Without it, we are forever caught in a past – future experience, which gravely compromises our ability to create a meaningful life.

There is far more to living in a state of gratitude than you may have realized. In fact, gratitude and appreciation are directly connected to how conscious we can be overall.

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The Lightworker’s Path

February 21st, 2016 | 28 comments
The Lightworker’s Path

The terms lightworker and life purpose are intimately woven together. Understanding the meaning of the word lightworker can help you to unlock the secrets of your life’s purpose. It can also bring great advantages in living the most fulfilling life that you can.

In its simplest form, you could say that a lightworker is a person who works for the light, or whose intention it is to bring more light and love into the world. At its highest level, it refers to a person who is divinely inspired by God to devote his or her life to making the world a better place.

Many people function as lightworkers, and don’t even know it. To help you better understand this, we can identify three primary levels at which lightworkers function. Understanding these 3 levels can help you a great deal in identifying your life’s purpose. It will also empower your experience, if you already know what your purpose is.

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The Power of Focus

February 7th, 2016 | 7 comments
The Power of Focus

One of the most important faculties we possess is the ability to focus. Focus acts in our lives in a similar way that a steering wheel functions in a car. Without it, we find ourselves lacking direction and feeling confused. We also run the risk of facing unintended consequences from being unconscious about our direction in life.

Let us begin by highlighting our true nature. Our true nature is clarity of purpose and the knowledge of why we are here. We are infinite beings with an exceedingly high level of intelligence.

So, if that is the case, then why is life so difficult? Life is difficult because it is riddled with distractions, some of which exist inside of our minds, and many of which exist outside of ourselves.

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Why Life Purpose Matters

January 24th, 2016 | 15 comments
Why Life Purpose Matters

Have you ever wished there was a secret way to speed up your own process of trying to improve your life? What if there was something you could add into the mix of what you are doing that would dramatically accelerate your progress?

Do you want to know what this awesome ingredient is? It is settling on your life’s purpose, and deciding to live a purposeful life.

Everyone wants a better life, and many people go from seminar to seminar, and book to book, looking for the magic formula. Although those venues can be exceedingly valuable, the most they can offer you are tactics. They don’t really have a way to tie it all together in a way that is deeply personal to you.

There is only one thing that can do that for you. That is your unique life’s purpose.

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3 Simple Ways to Meditate

January 10th, 2016 | 14 comments
3 Simple Ways to Meditate

One of the most important things we can do for ourselves is daily meditation. Meditation is when we set aside sacred time to fill our hearts and feed our souls. It’s also the best way to get centered with a clear mind before we start our day. But before we discuss the “how” of meditation, let’s discuss the “why”.

The way that you start your day will dramatically affect the way that your day turns out. If you start the day in a frantic, rushed, unconscious manner, the rest of your day can unfold in an equally stressful way.

On the other hand, if you start your day in a calm, centered fashion, you are much more likely to be able to maintain that center throughout the day.

Think of it this way. When you get up in the morning, you set up a trajectory of consciousness, based on your state of mind. Your energy, thoughts, and emotions are likely to follow that trajectory. It’s like throwing a ball. Wherever you aim the ball when you exert that energy, the ball will definitely follow that path.

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My Secret Recipe for Successful New Year’s Resolutions

December 28th, 2015 | 10 comments
My Secret Recipe for Successful New Year’s Resolutions

It’s so much fun to make New Year’s resolutions because it fills us with hope and a fresh sense of new beginnings. We just know that this will be the year that we finally reach our goals and do what we intend!

We enter the new year filled with fresh hope and optimism, and a belief that somehow this year will be different. But then something happens. Somehow January quickly fades into being just like all of the other months in the previous year. Our resolutions are soon forgotten, and we continue on with the same status quo experience, wondering why we continue to fail at this.

Is it that New Year’s resolutions don’t work? Or is it that we don’t know the best way to go about being successful in our intentions?

New Year’s resolutions can work just fine, but only if we add all the right ingredients. It’s like baking a cake. If you try to bake a cake with only one ingredient, your cake will fail. But if you add the right mix of ingredients, and do things in the right order, your cake will be a smashing success.

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