Focus on This First Step to Manifest What You Want

June 28th, 2018 | Comments Off on Focus on This First Step to Manifest What You Want
Focus on This First Step to Manifest What You Want

In order to manifest anything in your life, especially when it comes to big changes, it is most important to be clear about your destination. It’s not enough to be vague and general, such as saying “I want more money” or “I want a better relationship”. You need to have a clear, specific vision that you can focus on with your mind, your heart, and your energy.

This vision exists as an image of a goal that you can hold firmly in your mind’s eye. The nature of that goal is all important, because it can make the difference between your success or failure in reaching it.

When you choose a vision or a goal for your life, make sure that it aligns with you as a unique individual. Make sure that it aligns with your heart and with what you personally value. Here’s why this is important:

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Don’t Skip this Step if You Want to Successfully Manifest!

June 14th, 2018 | 5 comments
Don’t Skip this Step if You Want to Successfully Manifest!

There is a certain, simple sequence of events that must take place in order to manifest anything in your physical reality. But sometimes we miss the most important step of all.

There are two parts to manifesting anything. The first part has to do with the inner work such as visualizing, choosing goals, journaling, etc.

The second part has to do with bringing your vision out into the physical world by creating physical evidence of its existence, and thereby bringing it into form.

In this video, I offer you a simple metaphor that you can use to see exactly where you are in your own personal process of manifestation.

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How to Live a Purposeful Life

May 25th, 2018 | 7 comments
How to Live a Purposeful Life

There are two ways to live life. One way is to live your life unconsciously, captured by your routines and patterns. The other way is to evolve and become more empowered by living a purposeful existence.

Living a purposeful life gives you a way out whenever you feel stuck or frustrated. It gives you a sense of direction when life becomes difficult. Let’s take a look at why this works.

There are two primary elements to our human “beingness”. The first is that we are creators by nature. We create all day long, whether that be in small ways in our everyday lives, or in huge ways like creating the human societies that we share on this planet.

The second element to our humanness is our innate desire to expand, move forward, and get better at whatever it is we do. This is why feeling stuck never feels good to us. We love the feeling of moving forward! If you doubt this, think about the last time you were stuck in traffic or forced to wait in line somewhere. I’ll bet you couldn’t wait to get out of that situation!

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The 3 Keys to Manifestation

March 14th, 2017 | 7 comments
The 3 Keys to Manifestation

What is the one thing that everyone wants, above and beyond all else? We each want to be able to manifest the life that we truly want to live. That might involve big changes, or small changes. It doesn’t really matter. What matters is that we experience our power as creators to direct our consciousness into whatever manifestation we want to experience.

Why is it so difficult to manifest what we want on a conscious level? The truth is that we are manifesting all the time. But it is usually a random, unconscious affair over which we believe we have little or no control.

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Be a Lightworker!

February 12th, 2017 | 10 comments
Be a Lightworker!

The world needs Light and stability right now. We can sit back and wait for this to happen all by itself, or we can play a conscious role in contributing positive energy into our collective situation.

It’s a common human habit to always assume that someone else (even God) will ultimately take care of things. But this denies the very real fact that we human beings have a specific purpose in this Universe. We are creators, sourced in Love, whose purpose it is to create out of that very same love.

We are currently witnessing a grave downward spiral in our world, where division, hate, and fear are being fomented on a near 24 hour basis. At first glance, it can appear that the wisest thing to do is to pick a side and then battle it out to see who “wins”. But, of course, no one wins in this scenario. A toxic climate such as this benefits no one.

It is time for Lightworkers to come out of the closet, and accept the power of who we really are to effect positive change and transformation.

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A Simple Way to Understand Life!

January 8th, 2017 | 37 comments
A Simple Way to Understand Life!

How much time do you spend trying to understand your life? Sometimes it seems like we are put here with a host of problems and no instructions about how to solve them. Wouldn’t it be great if a simple paradigm shift could clear your mind and show you the best way forward? The good news is that there is such a shift, and I’m going to show you exactly how to make that happen.

A paradigm refers to your view or perception of reality. It’s how you see the world. We tend to think that what we see is the way that it actually is. But what we see is actually just a product of what we believe. We usually see only that which reinforces our belief. Anything else is likely to be blocked out. So if we feel trapped by our outer circumstances, the reality is that the trap is mostly inside our minds.

Imagine this. Imagine that you are in a big, wide world filled with endless possibilities. You can literally do almost anything you want, by learning how to do it and then taking action. You are a creator, an infinite being living in a body, who can survey the world and make whatever creative choices you wish. This is what life looks like when you remember who you are.

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Creativity Puts You in Control of Your Life

July 25th, 2016 | 9 comments
Creativity Puts You in Control of Your Life

Creativity is perhaps the single most important capability that you possess as a human being. Unfortunately, in our society, the idea of it has been reduced to such a level of insignificance, that many people have dismissed it as something recreational and entirely optional.

Creativity is not arts and crafts. Nor is it music, dance, or any of the other fine arts. Those things are merely expressions of our creative power. Such things are important in their own right, but we should never limit ourselves to the idea that this is all there is to it.

The word creativity stems from the word creator. At its highest level, creator refers to what we call God. Since we are the intelligent extensions of that which has created us, we, too, are creators. Creation is the outcome of that which creates. Because we are creators, we are also meant to create. We are meant to consciously create the outcomes in our lives.

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The Lightworker’s Path

February 21st, 2016 | 28 comments
The Lightworker’s Path

The terms lightworker and life purpose are intimately woven together. Understanding the meaning of the word lightworker can help you to unlock the secrets of your life’s purpose. It can also bring great advantages in living the most fulfilling life that you can.

In its simplest form, you could say that a lightworker is a person who works for the light, or whose intention it is to bring more light and love into the world. At its highest level, it refers to a person who is divinely inspired by God to devote his or her life to making the world a better place.

Many people function as lightworkers, and don’t even know it. To help you better understand this, we can identify three primary levels at which lightworkers function. Understanding these 3 levels can help you a great deal in identifying your life’s purpose. It will also empower your experience, if you already know what your purpose is.

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The Power of Focus

February 7th, 2016 | 7 comments
The Power of Focus

One of the most important faculties we possess is the ability to focus. Focus acts in our lives in a similar way that a steering wheel functions in a car. Without it, we find ourselves lacking direction and feeling confused. We also run the risk of facing unintended consequences from being unconscious about our direction in life.

Let us begin by highlighting our true nature. Our true nature is clarity of purpose and the knowledge of why we are here. We are infinite beings with an exceedingly high level of intelligence.

So, if that is the case, then why is life so difficult? Life is difficult because it is riddled with distractions, some of which exist inside of our minds, and many of which exist outside of ourselves.

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Why Is Goal Setting Important To Planetary Evolution?

January 11th, 2015 | 15 comments
Why Is Goal Setting Important To Planetary Evolution?

There tends to be a very large division between how we perceive planetary evolution and how we think about our personal, daily lives. This is why planetary evolution generally remains on the level of fantasy rather than being treated as a practical reality that we can each participate in. Let’s talk about how we can bridge this gap and thus lend powerful purpose to our success as individuals.

The first order of business when it comes to planetary evolution is to determine who is responsible for it. Generally speaking, we humans like to leave this massive project up to God. We assume that we play little or no individual role when it comes to a subject of such vast proportions. With this belief, the best we can contribute as individuals is hope. We hope that somehow it all works out.

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