What is Ascension and Why Does it Matter?

June 12th, 2019 | 9 comments
What is Ascension and Why Does it Matter?

Ascension is an amazing phenomenon that is well worth understanding. When you are clear about what it is, your ability to align with it can set you on a powerful course of accelerated evolution and spiritual development. Yet ascension is a term that is sometimes difficult to grasp because its many definitions lack sufficient context. I find that the easiest way to understand ascension is to define it in the simplest, broadest context possible.

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Why You Need Inner Peace

April 9th, 2017 | 15 comments
Why You Need Inner Peace

Inner peace is a deep human need, just like air, water, love, and sunshine. The trouble is that even though we want it, we live as though we can do without it because we can still survive physically even when we are in serious states of chronic stress.

But inner peace does not show up automatically, just like food on our plate will not show up unless we do something about it. So it’s important to think carefully about what we can do to create this much-needed experience for ourselves.

Firstly, let’s dispel some of the myths about inner peace, so we can focus on how to make peace a regular experience in our lives.

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Don’t Let Technology Diminish Your Humanity

November 27th, 2016 | 4 comments
Don’t Let Technology Diminish Your Humanity

Our humanity is a powerful thing. We are creative, spiritual beings whose highest essence is that of Light and Divine Love. We are essentially agents of the Heart. We are at our best when we love ourselves, each other, and all of life.

Technology, on the other hand, is cold and without feeling. It is a mimicker and an accelerator. By its own nature, it does not connect with our hearts and our spirituality. We are thus obliged to find a healthy balance in living with this alien force that is so intertwined in our lives.

I refer to our current fast-evolving technology as alien because it does not connect with nature or with our higher selves. It exists as an interloping foreigner that must be kept in perspective, and whose influence must be tamed in our everyday lives.

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Powerful Angels Are With You

September 26th, 2016 | 31 comments
Powerful Angels Are With You

Life on Earth can sometimes cause us to feel rather alone, especially when it comes to the deep spirituality of our inner beings. This is because we live in a duality where each thing is identified by its separation from all other things. At its most extreme level, this condition causes us to perceive that we are even separated from God. Fortunately, this separation is just an illusion, and angels are there to act as our bridge to the Divine when we forget who we really are.

The word “angel” literally means messenger from God. In its purest form, the word angel refers to celestial beings of the highest light and love, who can exert a powerful, positive influence in our lives if we feel inclined to ask for their help.

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The Power of Gratitude

March 13th, 2016 | 22 comments
The Power of Gratitude

We often think of gratitude as a nice thing to feel because it’s always good to appreciate things. But there is a power that underlies gratitude that affects the very fabric of our entire life’s experience.

The deepest form of gratitude is directly connected to our experience of time and our ability to live in the now. Without it, we are forever caught in a past – future experience, which gravely compromises our ability to create a meaningful life.

There is far more to living in a state of gratitude than you may have realized. In fact, gratitude and appreciation are directly connected to how conscious we can be overall.

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The Lightworker’s Path

February 21st, 2016 | 28 comments
The Lightworker’s Path

The terms lightworker and life purpose are intimately woven together. Understanding the meaning of the word lightworker can help you to unlock the secrets of your life’s purpose. It can also bring great advantages in living the most fulfilling life that you can.

In its simplest form, you could say that a lightworker is a person who works for the light, or whose intention it is to bring more light and love into the world. At its highest level, it refers to a person who is divinely inspired by God to devote his or her life to making the world a better place.

Many people function as lightworkers, and don’t even know it. To help you better understand this, we can identify three primary levels at which lightworkers function. Understanding these 3 levels can help you a great deal in identifying your life’s purpose. It will also empower your experience, if you already know what your purpose is.

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3 Simple Ways to Meditate

January 10th, 2016 | 14 comments
3 Simple Ways to Meditate

One of the most important things we can do for ourselves is daily meditation. Meditation is when we set aside sacred time to fill our hearts and feed our souls. It’s also the best way to get centered with a clear mind before we start our day. But before we discuss the “how” of meditation, let’s discuss the “why”.

The way that you start your day will dramatically affect the way that your day turns out. If you start the day in a frantic, rushed, unconscious manner, the rest of your day can unfold in an equally stressful way.

On the other hand, if you start your day in a calm, centered fashion, you are much more likely to be able to maintain that center throughout the day.

Think of it this way. When you get up in the morning, you set up a trajectory of consciousness, based on your state of mind. Your energy, thoughts, and emotions are likely to follow that trajectory. It’s like throwing a ball. Wherever you aim the ball when you exert that energy, the ball will definitely follow that path.

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Empower Your Prayers

November 8th, 2015 | 19 comments
Empower Your Prayers

Prayer is quite possibly the most effective and powerful thing that we can do. It represents our direct communication with the infinite. It is truly amazing that we naturally have this capability!

Prayer is also something that no one can take away from us. It represents our sacred, most intimate connection with the divine. And with that being the case, it is curious that we sometimes have so little faith that our prayers are being heard.

The issue is not with prayer. The issue is the context within which we pray. The way to empower your prayers is to change to a more empowered context. There are basically two possible contexts from which to pray. Let’s examine each of them, starting with looking at some of our collective false assumptions.

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The Trouble With Religion

May 10th, 2015 | 19 comments
The Trouble With Religion

There is much good to be derived from religious practices, where humility and love, plus acceptance and respect for others remain a central theme. Where this is the case, religions have no doubt done a great deal to contribute positive benefits to our civilized society. The problem arises, however, when religions take an imperialistic approach to all of humanity.

I do not claim to be a religious scholar, and frankly I wouldn’t want to be. Instead, I speak from my own observations and personal experiences. I would suggest that something becomes a religion any time there is an attempt to dogmatize a belief as the ultimate rendition of the truth, whether that something is related to lifestyle or spirituality. A key ingredient in this dogmatization is to deem everyone else on Earth to be wrong.

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Get Sensual Instead of Technological

March 8th, 2015 | 18 comments
Get Sensual Instead of Technological

There are two sides to our lives in the modern world, and one side is winning out. There is our natural side and then there is our technological side. The technological side is definitely ahead. We are slowly transforming ourselves from natural, biological creatures in tune with the natural world, into a strange hybrid of sorts. We are still physically anchored in the natural world of our planet, yet our minds and even our spirits are becoming more and more comfortable with technology as our base.

This duality creates a conflict that can be extremely detrimental to our health and well-being, plus significantly compromise our spirituality and inner peace.

Let’s refer to the world of technology as the world of machines. Now let’s discuss why our attempts to interface with that world are fraught with peril, if we don’t do it consciously and honor the type of natural beings that we are.

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