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Tag: spiritual guidance

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  1. What is Ascension and Why Does It Matter?


    What is Ascension and Why Does it Matter?

    Ascension is an amazing phenomenon that is well worth understanding. When you are clear about what it is, your ability to align with it can set you on a powerful course of accelerated evolution and spiritual development. Yet ascension is a term that is sometimes difficult to grasp because its many definitions lack sufficient context. […]

  2. Lightworkers

    Be a Lightworker!

    The world needs Light and stability right now. We can sit back and wait for this to happen all by itself, or we can play a conscious role in contributing positive energy into our collective situation. It’s a common human habit to always assume that someone else (even God) will ultimately take care of things. […]

  3. Angels

    Powerful Angels Are With You

    Life on Earth can sometimes cause us to feel rather alone, especially when it comes to the deep spirituality of our inner beings. This is because we live in a duality where each thing is identified by its separation from all other things. At its most extreme level, this condition causes us to perceive that […]

  4. How to Connect with the Fairies: night fairy in magical woods

    Fairies and Nature

    How to Connect with the Fairies

    You have probably felt fairy energy many times before, and just didn’t realize it. It’s that magical feeling when you walk through a quiet forest and hear only the melody of nature’s sounds. It’s the sparkling, enlivened energy that you feel when you sit by a brook, or the joyful experience of walking among fresh […]

  5. tree at sunset

    Planetary Evolution

    The Trouble With Religion

    There is much good to be derived from religious practices, where humility and love, plus acceptance and respect for others remain a central theme. Where this is the case, religions have no doubt done a great deal to contribute positive benefits to our civilized society. The problem arises, however, when religions take an imperialistic approach […]

  6. Personal Development

    Are You Bored?

    Life is a journey. What kind of journey is your life? Are you inspired, creative, and excited? Or are you bored because everything seems so routine and predictable? And finally, what makes the difference between these two experiences? It all has to do with the context that you establish for living. There are two main […]

  7. Prayer

    How To Pray Effectively

    In order to pray effectively, you must first see yourself as a co-creator with the divine. So many people have been taught that they are helpless and that their only relationship with God is that of a beggar. Whether you hold that belief consciously or subconsciously, such a belief will dramatically influence how you perceive […]

  8. Inner Peace

    What To Do When The World Seems Unstable

    These days it seems like the world can be an incredibly unstable place. It is so important not to let events that seem out of control completely take over our consciousness. This is a case where it is helpful for each of us to remember that we are individuals. There is so much that could […]

  9. Woman with two baby angels


    Tune into Angelic Love

    Angels are one of the most profound and beautiful gifts that are provided for each of us, as a sign of God’s divine love. We each have what are referred to as guardian angels. I like to think of them as guiding angels or angelic friends. Their relationship to each of us is deeply personal, […]

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