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Tag: world events

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  1. Inner Peace

    Why You Need Inner Peace

    Inner peace is a deep human need, just like air, water, love, and sunshine. The trouble is that even though we want it, we live as though we can do without it because we can still survive physically even when we are in serious states of chronic stress. But inner peace does not show up […]

  2. Mindfulness

    Don’t Let Others Steal Your Power

    I would like to address two groups of people. And even if you do not consider yourself to be a part of these groups, there are still some great tips here for you, as well. The first group consists of those who are angry and upset about politics and social matters, no matter which side […]

  3. Lightworkers

    Be a Lightworker!

    The world needs Light and stability right now. We can sit back and wait for this to happen all by itself, or we can play a conscious role in contributing positive energy into our collective situation. It’s a common human habit to always assume that someone else (even God) will ultimately take care of things. […]

  4. Personal Development

    Your Focus Determines Your Reality

    You can play a conscious role in determining your own experience of reality, or you can allow forces outside of yourself to decide for you. The first option takes effort and the second one will occur by default, if you do not make that effort. We live in a peculiar world where it is easier […]

  5. Living from the heart is the only thing that can lead us back to the full experience of divine love. We must choose to take our hearts seriously as a lifeline in this chaotic and violent world, and stop believing the ego's excuses for these ills.

    Living from the Heart

    Why It’s Important to Live from Your Heart

    Our world is becoming increasingly violent and chaotic every day. This is a worldwide phenomenon, and not limited to any single area on the planet. It is time to discuss our evolution in a more advanced, mature light. Occasionally I hear from people who say things like, “Well, obviously God and the angels aren’t helping […]

  6. Woman in meditation room

    Inner Peace

    Create an Oasis of Peace

    Have you noticed how much turmoil our world is in right now? Although you may not be directly affected by this, you can still be energetically affected nonetheless. In the same way that we all share the same physical atmosphere of air to breathe, we likewise share a global atmosphere of energy and consciousness. For […]

  7. How to tune nto angelic protection - painting of two angels with bell and snowy pine


    How to Tune into Angelic Protection

    Due to recent events occurring in the world, there appears to be a great deal of fear and anxiety related to safety concerns these days. So I want to share with you some ways that you can ease those feelings by tuning into the peaceful angelic protection that is always available to you. Our guardian […]

  8. How to avoid stress in times of global turmoil: connecting with nature is one way to help reduce stress from chaotic world events.

    Inner Peace

    3 Easy Ways to Avoid Stress, when the World is in Turmoil

    During times of global crisis, it is wise to reassess our individual positioning in life, so we don’t get needlessly swept away by fear and negativity. Since the world seems to be entering a new stage of upheaval, let’s talk about some ways to maintain a peaceful center, and stay grounded and happy. The first […]

  9. woman relaxing with cup of tea — how to stay centered and avoid anxiety in a crazy world

    Personal Development

    5 Steps to Stay Centered in an Anxious World

    There is a tremendous amount of collective anxiety in our world today. Even if things that are wrong on a massive scale don’t affect you directly, you will still feel the energetic weight of these occurrences. You will also feel the collective state of human anxiety on an energetic level. So let’s discuss some steps […]

  10. The World Needs Your Light


    The World Needs Your Light

    If you pay attention to the news, you can see that the world is virtually in flames with suffering. This includes human beings along with plants and animals. In fact, did you know that along with our own human troubles, we are at the beginning of the sixth great mass extinction event on planet Earth? […]

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