The Ego vs. Your True Self

May 8th, 2016 | 19 comments
The Ego vs. Your True Self

Lately I have noticed that some people are promoting the idea that the ego is your friend. According to some, we can make friends with our egos, work with them, and have a much better life. Really? Wow! Let’s examine this idea more closely.

Firstly, we must identify what the ego is. And we know for a fact that it is not divine, nor is it a product of our highest self. How do we know this? Because the ego never speaks from love. The fundamental matrix upon which the ego bases all of its logic is mathematical. It is ultimately sourced in division. The ego thrives in the duality of contrast, in the form of this or that, right or wrong, and good or bad.

The next thing that we must note about the ego is that it is fundamentally negative. Even if it says something good about you, it will always be at the expense of someone else. The ego never says anything that can stand on its own as a self-sustaining truth. It must point out a contrast somewhere about everything it says.

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Empower Your Prayers

November 8th, 2015 | 19 comments
Empower Your Prayers

Prayer is quite possibly the most effective and powerful thing that we can do. It represents our direct communication with the infinite. It is truly amazing that we naturally have this capability!

Prayer is also something that no one can take away from us. It represents our sacred, most intimate connection with the divine. And with that being the case, it is curious that we sometimes have so little faith that our prayers are being heard.

The issue is not with prayer. The issue is the context within which we pray. The way to empower your prayers is to change to a more empowered context. There are basically two possible contexts from which to pray. Let’s examine each of them, starting with looking at some of our collective false assumptions.

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An End to Suffering

August 23rd, 2015 | 18 comments
An End to Suffering

We need a massive, planetary paradigm shift. This all starts with our human state of mind. Let’s begin with a discussion about our current, collective belief about what is going on here when it comes to suffering.

A belief is merely an idea or perspective that is presumed to be true. We have presumed many things on this Earth, so let’s look at the big picture of what is commonly believed.

Here is the most destructive idea about what constitutes a human being: It is believed that to be human means to possess both good and evil in one’s consciousness. It’s believed that we are deliberately created this way by God.

Let’s examine this belief for a moment. Why would God create beings that possessed both good and evil? What would be the point? Can you think of a single, positive reason for this?

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